Update* Still bleeding 8 weeks PP!! and on the pill! WTF?

edited August 2011 in Health
Its been a while, so busy workin full time with a newborn...but i don't know where else to go!

Has anyone else had this! I have only had a few days where i didn't bleed (of course when i had my 4 week pp check up i was not bleeding that day). I have been on the pill (BEYAZ) since my 4 week check up. I am still bleeding on and off! is this normal?? I thought the pill would, dry me up, if you will. @homebirthadvocate I have not tagged you before, but I am tired of this! :)

On a side note, I can't see my OB doc until October 21 due to insurance issues and her being on vacation.


  • Is it the minipill? Progestin only? That's what I'll be on, and from what I've read spotting and bleeding is normal since you take it continuously.
  • No...its beyaz. I quit bf at 2 weeks
  • Same thing happened to me. My doctor said in need to get an ultrasound done.
  • My doc. Said it was the hormones mybody hadnt caught up with itself yet im 13w pp n still getting spotting on implanon dr sent me 4 u/s tomoz
  • omg really....yeah my other 3 kids were like 2-3 weeks bleeding tops. And the pill....would seem would make me NOT bleed, right? I just called them. I hope they can at least give advice by phone without being able to take my insurance until October. I only had one big clot the week i went home...Its like stop and go, bright red or brown mush....on and off. ugh. I had an abnormal pap and a spot on my cervix before pregnancy, so I am going back in October for that....but now im weirded out.
  • Funny how my counter is going forward now....Guess baby should be 45 days old...lol. She's like 49.
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  • ok thank you @homebirthadvocate I am not worried as much as annoyed lol. This is a new issue for me. Now on to my next issue....sterilization...ugh...I am worried the bleeding will only get worse if I go ahead with the Essure. blah...
  • Well doc is ordering an ultrasound. Bring on the pill it should have stopped.
  • Im here. They found tissue in my uterud. Told me to wait here while they call my doc :( looks like ill need a temporary OB... This sucks. Thinkin its gonna be a D&C....ugh.
  • Well they came in and told me to leave. Figured they would, due to state insurance changes, my regular OB doesn't take my insurance, and I can't switch to a plan she takes until October. So I already knew they would tell them that they will call me later. She is going to send results to my primary care physician for a referral to a "temp" OB. She told me if anything needed done thats how it would go down. I still haven't gotten a call back.

    I have been reading online....I am going to ask for my tubes to get tied while I am dialated, so maybe thats a silver lining...I don't want to get Essure inserts really.

    Also, leftover placental tissue can cause lactation issues...so maybe why I didnt make much milk and had to go to bottles.

    My placenta took a long time to deliver. Thats a risk factor. She was down there so long I asked "Did I tear or something?" She said yes a little but your placenta wont deliver. Then she clocked it at 30 mins, told nurse to write it down. I guess cuz you can hemmorage. ugh....Here I was hoping they would tell me this bleeding was common. blah.
  • @minirip what was your outcome of your ultrasound? I am sorry I just saw your post lol
  • @bummy87 you too, what happened?
  • My u/s looked good yesterday but the blood vessels on my uterus where still very active maybe thats y. I did have a 10lb12 baby n a 2lb placenta lol
  • I bled for 8 weeks after a c section, while breastfeeding and on the mini pill. My doc said it was a bit longer than normal but nothing to worry about. I was wondering if it was ever going to end!
  • @bummy87 WOW thatsa a big baby! Yeah mine isn't "vascular" so its pure chunks lol.

    @salsabia I heard BF and on the pill it does happen...and was hoping they would say its normal but nope. Now we are begging my insurance to let my regular OB do the surgery, AND, I just asked them to add the tubal ligation to the order, since I am going to be put under anyways-- she tried to give an excuse why they didn't add it, but i called my insurance and they told me to have them add it. crossing my fingers. I am scared now...I thought D&C was done in an office, like abortions are...I have to go to the hospital. Supposedly, if i go on Friday I will be fine by Monday.
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  • Yeah thats what I thought they did too @homebirthadvocate . The good news, I won't have to have that Essure contraption inside me hopefully. It actually took longer that 30 mins, I just remember her telling the nurse how long it had been....and we sat there a while longer, no contractions. I don't think theres a lot left, but I could definitely see a pocket on the ultrasound on one side. I had partial previa in the begining not sure that matters....also had a IUD that was in too far prior to pregnancy....not sure if that matters either.
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  • @homebirthadvocate my primary is taking his sweet time with the holiday weekend on getting the preauthorization from insurance. Is a D&C an urgent thing? I mean shoot, its gonna take 2 weeks at this rate to get approval, I have to do it on a Friday...I may as well wait till October when i don't need all this red tape, insurance will be straight by then

    . I don't know if i can get an infection or what could happen. The only strange thing I have had, that i forgot to mention to docs, is really itchy hands. its so random and weird i figured an allergy.
  • What's the mini pill?
  • It's prolly being caused by the pill ur on. Until u have been on it for a while, u could bleed pretty much constantly for many weeks in a row. I had that when I was on the shot. It was annoying, but at least I knew I wasn't pregnant :) lol! Then I would go 4-6 months between periods... Way better, but it can freak ya out at first.
  • @mandac10 I assume they mean low-dose, which beyaz is the low dose pill.
  • @charlotteb is beyaz low dose? Shows what I know! haha. I have been on it a month but I never bled with a pill before hardly even when I am suppose to. They did find tissue on my ultrasound so thats the reason for sure.

    Anyone used Ocella before?
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  • Damn. My ob is now calling ME twice a day for an update from my primary ..they still havent gotten it done. Lets hope for friday if its even possible. Ive called so many times i just give up except the ob keeps callin me.
  • Had surgery finally. Enjoying days off...the gasses used are causing major pain in my shoulder but im barely sore from my tubes being burned. :) no real D&C pain or bleeding :) just a tender belly button.
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