Commonly Asked Questions by Strangers



  • I get the usual questions. How far? When I'm due? Boy or girl? What's his name? Am I excited?
    The 1 that REALLLLYYYY pisses me off, to my very inner core is "so is this it now that u have 3?" Um... what difference does it make if I'm gona hav more or not? Like thers a law minimum of how many children I can hav? So I politely respond with "nope, this sure isn't it, we're tryin to beat the Duggar family an start our own reality series so we're able to feed all the kids we produce. Its gona b a lot of work but I figured by our 16th child we'll get a deal on TLC an hav it made for the rest of my pregnancies" :P
  • I work @ a restaurant where the flow of ppl is constant so I'm gettin these q's allll day, everyday!
    *How much longer?
    *When's that baby due?
    *Do u know what ur havin?
    *Is this ur 1st?
    *Are u excited?
  • same questions..
    boy/girl.. i reply 3rd boy and everyone says i know your disapointed.. Uh no! i love my boys!!!
    when are you due? oct 21.. oh wow.. i dont think your gonna make it.. thanks i know im huge!!
    are you tired? umm yeah thanks.. i know i look like crap.. thanks for the reminder..
  • I always get asked are you sure your pregnant... no fool I googled my u/s pic. Well you are barely showing...bruhh im 14w duh. Also do your parents know you are pregnant. Yeahh why? Well what did they say about you being pregnant In high school? Homeboy im 2014w I graduated with honors. This would be my fiance(as I point to jimmy) anything else? Lol my bd parents own a gas station so I have relationships with some of the customers. But people over hear pregnant and feel the need to be nosy. Ugh assholes.
  • I had a friend who wen preg and b asked een u due wud say tomo jus for the look. I was late and went shoppin two days after dd wen asked wen u due.. Sayin two days ago and the face i got was brill. I also had one guy say.. Oh so what did u have.. I said i dunno im still working on it..
  • edited September 2011
    I'm so tired of answering all the folks who want to know why/how I'm so darn CUTE. It's exhausting! Jk! Lol! :ar!
  • Im tired of ppl asking how far along I am then saying im tiny! I want a biiiiiig belly!!!
  • @excitedforoctober omg! I gate when people ask how the baby is doing...I'm always like idk I can't see her lol I mean how do hey expect u to answer that? Lol
  • I keep having people like my bd grandma and aunt acting like they are freaking Dr's and telling me when my baby is going to come! They kept saying the end of August and look its September hahahahahahaha idiots! Then people keep telling me oh look at you it looks like you dropped that baby will probably be here in a couple days. Not even 5 mins ago some stranger told me I look like I'm about to go into labor! I'm tired of people saying I look huge when I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. I'm tired of people period and im so tired of being pregnant!
  • I just want someone to have a normal conversation with me again...I would kill for a 'how bout this weather' or 'did u see the news last night?' Unfortunately of I get either one of those they r followed by 'Cuz I bet ur hot being all big and pregnant' and 'cuz this woman on there gave birth to a 16 pound baby and I thot of u! Wut r u gonna do if that happens to u?' Ok just gonna start sincerely asking ppl how they think I should answer them!!
  • The same family memeber keeps asking me wen I'm due wtf are u dumb!! This past weekend she asked me on sat and sun..
  • I don't mind the questions so much as people telling me what's gonna go down. Like.. when they ask what my due date is, I tell them and then they look at me and say "you're not gonna make it that far". Oh ok, well I'm glad you're my doctor and know everything about my pregnancy. I HATE all the opinions. "You're baby's gonna be HUGE!" ""You HAVE to take a birthing class" "You need to do this. You need to do that. " I'll take the questions any day than other people's opinions about my body and my baby. I HATE it.
  • My #1 pet peeve! "Guess your really hot today!" I'm in st louis & for the last few days we've had record heat! I felt like saying "No, I'm actually cold!" Then when I was looking for fall clothes (since I'm due near thanksgiving) some lady says "you're so big I doubt you'll use thos." really? So thanks for saying I'm huge! I wanted to tell her my dr says I'm measuring 3 weeks small.
  • I hate when they tell me their horror stories... Yes thats exactly what I want to think about.
  • @sweet1 put me down for all of those questions...UGH...Im beyond tired of being asked those! I thought I would be slick and just say "December" then thats automatically followed by "When in December?" smh Then when I tell them I hear "Oh a New Years baby!" Then a whole conversation starts because of that. I know they mean well but hearing it on a daily basis (more than once a day) can get to
  • I always get..."so what's the dad think?" Or "is he in the picture?" Of course he is.
    And then this one woman at work always comes by and sees what I'm eating and says "you're going to eat that?!"
  • @RhiRiot HA! Or how about when your co workers see you come into work then finally eat something (probably havent eaten since late morning for me) and ALWAYS say "Thers she goes again" Am I not supposed to eat??? Hell, they even said this before I was pregnant.
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