I'm excited because she moved from -3 to -2 since last appt... But disappointed because my dilation and effacement stayed the same. Hope it progresses between now and next week!!
@surprisebaby.. no such thing as dumb question!! Effaced is how thin your cervix gets... At 0%, its thick and generally closed. Your cervix needs to thin out And dilate for labor...100% effaced is what you need for delivery, as well as 10 cm dilation.
Think of it like if you suck on a Life Saver and don't bite it... It gets thinner and the hole in the middle gets wider. Your cervix does the same thing.
Station is the location of the babys head in the birth canal...-3, -2, -1 are as the head gets lower in the birth canal...0 is passing through the cervix, +1 is in the birth canal, +2 is crowning, and +3 is passing into the world!!
I never knew about the effaced and dialation with my son hes 14yrs now. Just wondering what do you mean by station -2 or -3? & @garagebanfan why wont you let them check you anymore? Im just asking because I went to the doctor today when she checked I was fingertip dialated. She sent me over to labor and delivery and they used so much force I left bleeding and 1.5dialated I was only sent there for steroid shots.. Smh Im also 30weeks
Lol you responded as I was sending mine out. And yes, my cervix is measuring very short its a 1 rite now.. And my doctor is afraid I will go early. They sent me for steroid shots but they did an exam and said I was contracting 2mins apart. They gave me some medicine to stop them. Im nervous Im tooo early
@Trisharose I wont let them check me anymore because everytime they do it increases chances for infection. Also, in my experience after they check me it puts me into labor and I don't want that. They don't need to check you they just like to. @laine923 I've been on hospital bed rest for 14weeks now. One infection after another, and I have a history of preterm labor.
Think of it like if you suck on a Life Saver and don't bite it... It gets thinner and the hole in the middle gets wider. Your cervix does the same thing.
Station is the location of the babys head in the birth canal...-3, -2, -1 are as the head gets lower in the birth canal...0 is passing through the cervix, +1 is in the birth canal, +2 is crowning, and +3 is passing into the world!!
@jay_brad, @ahendricks09, @momof22b... Did you guys do anything to help speed up the process??
@laine923 I've been on hospital bed rest for 14weeks now. One infection after another, and I have a history of preterm labor.