Last baby for me

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I will,be having,ny third c section on March 8th, along with getting my tubes tied. I cant wait for all this to be done with and am getting pretty nervous. For al of you that are currently pregnant, enjoy the crazy ride. Just remember all the pain and hormones will be worth it once you see your little one. For all of you trying to conceive, good luck to you. God works in mysterious ways and will hopefully bless you with what you desperately want when you least expect it to happen. God bless everyone!


  • Ditto....
  • I totally agree with getting your tubes tied im doing the same thing after this one comes.
  • I just turned 29 on 2/12 and feel three is more than enough. Plus risks of complication goes way up after three c sections, according to my Ob.
  • Ahah. I'm 16. Having my first and last. I don't regret getting pregnant. But it wasn't planned sure I'm scared. But I'm pretty sure your right about it being worth it all in the end. I so hope so because I'm sooo scared.
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  • @Jersey you cam do this are young and will probably want more when you get older. Just take things one day at a time and plan for now. :)
  • Well, It'll all depend on how well this goes. I'm still very scared and I have many months to come. But everythings all planned and ready, But It's just something that kinda' fritens me...
  • This gonna be my first and last. Pregnancy is killin me I don't hate being pregnant its juz the vomiting everyday and the pain. If I don't vomit then it'll b ok but throwing up is killin me. I still haven't gain any weight yet cuz of vomiting. :(
  • I am 28 this will be my 4th and last . Getting my tubes tied also
  • Im 31 my fourth n last as well my husband will b gettin a a vasactomy. Unless I get a c sec as I have previa
  • Im 26 this will be my third and last baby by c section tubes getting tied... Lol even if I dont get fixed my fiancee says he is!
  • I'm 29. 5th and last baby. Getting my tubes tied also. Kinda scared to get them tied since I know what goes on in a surgery room and how they do it but I don't want anymore children due to health risks. Can't wait to have my little guy.
  • I am having my #3 and by c/s and also having my tubes tied. My Dr says no more c/s for me. Been high risk with all my pregnancys and am happy to have it done after this lil one. But nervous about hormones and other stuff that comes along with having your tubes tied.
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