
edited September 2011 in Health
Ok so I found out that I was anemic during labor and my ob never told me. They said I was anemic since a while now, im taking the pills they sent me but I dont know if theres anything I can do to feel better. I have a major headache and I feel weak , the only thing that keeps me up are my two daughters :(


  • Eat foods high in iron and it will help bring ur iron up!!
  • @0811 thanks for letting me know
  • I Am Anemic Too; My Doctor Told Me To Eat Peanut Butter !
  • I know the feeling I have my been dealing with anemia for 7 years now!!! Some days feel totally fine and others all I do is sleep. And its funny my dad actually has very high iron!! But hopefully after I have my son I can lower my dosage. Babies take alot of the nutrients from mom!! But good luck!!
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  • @GregorysMommy oh wow lol I would had never though penut butter helps
    @newmommie1014 oh wow 7 years is a long time, today is one of my bad days but I cant sleep :( my 2 yr old is up and full of energy
    @FirstTimeMommieToBe ok thanks. Ill google a list of high on iron foods
  • Me Either, But That's Watt He Said; Although I Don't Listen Cuz I HATE Peanut Butter. I Just Take My Iron Pills Once A Day (:
  • I can't believe your Dr didn't tell you. That's horrible. Drs now days really just seem like they don't care. :(
  • @wallieheadbaby3 I know!! Smh they shouldnt be doctors if they arent going to care about their patients :(
  • Exactly! My Dr was a great Dr with my last pregnancy so naturally I went to him again... but this time its so different... Everytime I go see him he has a whole waiting room full of wemon and when I sign in I see they all have just about the same appointment time as me. Smh now he rushes everything and is in and out before I even have a chance to ask any questions... it makes me so angry.
  • @wallieheadbaby3 :( everything is about the money now a days
  • I know and its driving me crazy. We put our lifes and trust and money into these Drs and the way they treat us is horrible. Its ridiculous that you were tested and he just never told u. I hope u get a handle on it soon and I thank god its not something worse they forgot to share with u.
  • @wallieheadbaby3 yeah, thanks God my daughter is a healthy baby and was born with 9 pounds, im so mad that he didnt say anything though.. And thanks, I hope I feel better soon too
  • @Janet_2011 I am too severly anemic. I was down to a 6 body doesn't process the iron pills so I do iron infusion. It's iron iv. It brought me up to a 10....which is not ideal but really good for me. I also have to give myself b-12 shots. Fun stuff I know ...but honestly to me just getting it iv way is quick easy n actually works for me. I go in 2 weeks for my "tune up" its been like 5 months since my last. Maybe ask if that is a option for u ;-) best wishes :-)
  • I see a hemotologist for my anemia. If supplements aren't making you feel better after a week or 2 then I would talk to dr about seeing a specialist. Sometimes our bodies (especially when hormomes are wacky ie:giving birth) can't absorb the supplements and you need it other ways. But it takes awhile to feel better once you up your iron intake through supplements or food, so give iit a week or 2. Sorry your dealing with this and were not fullly informed. Drs offices make me sooo irate sometimes.
  • You should try drinking fresh orange juice with food it helps absorb iron.
  • You should try drinking fresh orange juice with food it helps absorb iron.
  • also if u like it spinach is super high in iron
  • @kelliesweeney ewww I hate it, but if its high in iron I guess I need to close my eyes and eat it
  • I think any leafy green veg is good....unfortuently it couldnt have bn chocolate thats high in iron! It sucks being on pills for it they can make u real constipated :(, so hope u r not on them too long.
  • @kelliesweeny ugh I guess now ill have to eat high in fiber foods as well lol.. Woot im finally going to be eating healthy.
  • I'm anemic to. Take your pill's with orange juice the vitamin C make's it easier to digest eat red meats and such also leafy green's. It should help it takes about a month to see a difference after you start taking your pill's.
  • @MommyKay thanks for the info :x
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