possible cheater

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
So a year ago my bf was texting his ex telling her to come over when I was IN his bed! He was drunk and when I asked him bout it the next day he. Just says" are u done yelling" even when talking in a calm voice, he does NOT deal with the issue, just hates confrontation....well he had a bach party last night and gets home and had deleted all his history on his phone....there's this number that's ALWAYS on his phone when he gets drunk and its not saved....idk what to do, I've text it, called it everything! I wna know if its another ex, if so....im dippin out. I WILL. NOT tolerate a cheater especially when im due in 33 days...ill be just finee on my own with my little man....any advice please??


  • Ask him who the number belongs to, if he cant give you a straight answer, leave. You and your baby deserve better.
  • I'd find out whos number that is!!
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  • They don't text back? Maybe you can text or call it from his phone. Yeah Id definitely dip out too!! Drunk or not, that's no excuse to be unfaithful!
  • Relationships are not innocent till proven guilty in my mind. If there's suspicious stuff and you confront and he won't prove it innocent, nor even defend himself...I'd walk away. Your son doesn't need a cheated as a role model.
  • I agree. If he cant give you an explantation and proof then i would leave. Who knows how long he has been doing this behind your back if its true... i dont even live with my husband anymore because i cant trust us agruing so we are going to counsling. Maybe that could be an option for yall..
  • Yah it was his ex, and come to find out he was texting his other 2 exs. He said he did it cuz he was mad at me. Idk what to do I can't quit crying...if he loved me why would he intentionally hurt me? I have NOWHERE to go, no money nothing. Im so hurt and he thinks everything should be fine won't even talk about it. Just clams up and thhinks problems just go away.....
  • Well, just my opinion, but I say if he does love you then he would not hurt you, just as simple as that. If he loves you why would he feel the need to be texting other girls? Sounds like a creep to me. And then to just walk around and act totally normal? Sounds like he doesn't really give a shit how you feel....he does NOT sound like a good guy :( I'm so sorry!
  • Hunny if he loved you he wouldn't keep doing this. He's been doing it for at least a year. Being mad at you is not an accepted reason or justification for what he does.
  • Pack up and walk away before you go through years of heartache and pain for no reason. If he is going to call or text one of his exs just cause he is drunk or he is mad at you then he really doesn't want to be in the relationship. I'm not trying to be mean in anyway I am just gna put it straight forward. The guy is a coward and obviously there is still feelings there with his ex otherwise he would have lost the number along time ago and left her at just that AN EX. Good luck hun
  • I'm sorry :-( I know how it hurts, everytime I see that another pregly is going through this it breaks my heart a little. Wtf is wrong with guys these days.. do whatever you think is right for you and your baby.. your heart and your head will probably tell you different things, you just have to decide which one to listen to. He sounds like an ass though.. not even like he's sorry.. good luck hun!
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