5 weeks gone but smear severely abnormal

edited January 2011 in September 2011
Hi all, found out thur that we are 5 weeks pregnant and we are over the moon. But also found out that my smear results are severely abnormal. Im booked in for a Colposcopy on Tuesday. Im very sacred that i will have to go for treatment and wondering does anybody know is this safe and would i be in danger of loosing my baby. I can't get to excited about being pregnant in case its short lived.


  • you must tell them your pregnant my lovely. they will have a look at your cervix but will not take any samples. i had abnormal smear between my eldest and middle child now just had all clear and pregnant with third. all will be fine, just don't forget to tell them your pregnant x
  • Thank you so much for message. Doctor knows Im pregnant i got both news at once. Will just have to keep fingers crossed. X
  • I had the same thing done when I was preg with my 2yr old now, and they did go ahead with the colposcopy and took a sample and nothing happened with the pregnancy, i was 2months at the time
  • Yes, this just happened to me. I went in to doctor for colpo and found out i was preggo before the procedure at 3 wks 3 days. Doc went ahead and did the colpo and took samples to biopsy, as my pap showed abnormal glandular cells which can be more bothersome. He even took samples way up in my cervical canal. I am now 7 wks and had no complications from the procedure. He did give me the option to wait to take samples until after my pregnancy, but hubby and I wanted to know what we were dealing with up front since hormones can speed up the development of abnormal cells. And since I have had a cone biopsy and 2 leeps to remove really nasty stuff in the past 4 yrs.

    Long story short, biopsy came back benign. Saw our little bean and his heartbeat at 6+2. Now 7 wks and everything is fine.
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