I fear I'll be overdue too :-/ I mean, I get strong contractions time to time every day, but nothing consistent & close together. I feel like I'll have to be induced at 41wks eeek!
Meeee I'm over due he wasss suposed to be here on the 3rd but I'm not even dialated I get cntractions and very strong ones but I guess he must be very comfy so if I'm not dialaed by wd we'll do induction sun but if I am dialated then it will be for Friday ; (
@valentinasmomma yes either way unfortunatly(sp) lol and at 2girls_1boy yesss omg I did the cleaning walking sex omg the sex lol I mean everything but the bouncing bal castrol oil - just cause I'm too scared of the castrol but yea my 1st was 2 weeks past due and my 2n was 1 day early so I guess I'm not guna rush him what's a couple more days lol
@2girls_1boy yea iv heard it help I mean I went as far as buying the castrol oil but I backed out I was wayy to chicken and I mean its wat 5 or 6 more days I've gone 40 weeks I think 1 more won't hurt plus he still benifits being in my belly so I mean ittook like a couple of days to accept he just not ready but I guess now I'm jus like eh any day now lol
@Mommyy2Be hopefully it wont be that much longer for you
@RizzyChicky i think i had a couple and last week i was only 0.5cm.