Sorry for your loss. See if you can be perscribed a muscle relaxer. Vicotin, oxycontin. Make sure you eat and get plenty of rest. But take half the dosage, because it thins the blood,and may cause more bleeding.
@natalie_uk imso sorry hunny its so hard its the worse thing ever. I couldnt even keep my daughter lastnight cuz i didnt wanna stress her w| me crying. Lay dwn with a pillow under ur back will help take some pain away.
Thank u everyone u will all b in my prayers as well
I know how your feeling my pain is really bad in my hips / lower bck :-(
Had my scan this morning & i have miscarryd too
Hope you feel better soon hun xx
@natalie_uk imso sorry hunny its so hard its the worse thing ever. I couldnt even keep my daughter lastnight cuz i didnt wanna stress her w| me crying. Lay dwn with a pillow under ur back will help take some pain away.
Thank u everyone u will all b in my prayers as well