Anybody havin dreams of their baby being a boy/girl and correct?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I have been having dreams that the baby is a girl. Even before I was pregnant my bf had a dream he was holding his baby girl. That's when weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I find out March 21st ... did anyone dream of a gender and ended up being correct? It really doesn't matter to me if its a boy or girl.


  • I had a dream I had a baby girl and turns out we're having a girl!
  • My husband was convinced it was a boy....I thought it was a boy..... I had a nightmare that it came out a girl... and the scan showed girl.
  • Ive had two dreams. Both involved close dead relatives, one was my grandad that passed away last year and he gave me a pair of pink childens socks, and the other was my great-grandma who passed away 5 years ago and i remember dreaming of her lying on a pink blanket and words saying "Its a girl". I am nearlly 13 weeks by period dates, going for 1st scan on friday to calculate my exact date. My fiance wants a boy but i really want a girl ^^ so i hope they are right :)
  • I have had 2 different one I had a girl, and the other a boy. Both very vivid, and we named the babies the boy and girl names we gave chosen for real. Find out next Tuesday what we are having-can't wait! :) xxx
  • It was strange. Everytime I had a dream about my child being a girl, somethin was she was born halfway grown already or she was already talking..just weird stuff...and then I had a dream it was a boy and everything was perfect. Well..turns out I'm having a boy n everything is lookin good :)
  • I had lots of dreams and they were all baby girls,my husband also had dreams about baby girls and its true were having a girl:)
  • I've had multiple dreams of having a girl...needless to say I'm preggers with a boy!
  • I had several dreams I was having a girl. I even had one where they tried to hand me a little boy and I refused to take him, telling them it wasn't my baby because I had a girl. My gut feeling was always that I was having a girl and I just found out this last week that all of it was having a girl!
  • I've had dreams abt boys tht were jus so weird n creepy but everytime i had a dream abt a babygirl it was so beautiful so i was convinced it was a girl. N turns out yesterday we found out we r having a girl:)
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