She getting ready to come...i think

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I went to the doctor today and once again they started me on breathen pills to stop the contractions. But I have dilated since I was in the hospital last week, so now that I'm on this medication they want me to go in if I have any contractions. I tried to explain that this is my fourth child and contractions and early dilation are common, for me at this stage in pregnancy! I just hope she stays in there at least 3 more weeks!!!


  • When are you due?
  • I'm due April 18th, so today I'm 33wks. Thankfully if she were born now her chances of a healthy delivery and an all around health are high.
  • Oh, wow, yeah that is a little early... just try to rest as much as you can with 3 other kiddos to take care of!... I'll keep you & your little one in my prayers... good luck! <3
  • Thank you! My kids are actually easy for their age (7, 4, and 16mths) but your right, I certainly need to rest as much as possible!
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