conception myths....HELP please

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
im trying to figur out when i actually last period was sept. 24th and i usually have a regular 28 day cycle but i would only bleed for a few i had sex on sept 28th and october 8th....that was it! i know sad right lol...i just wondered if its possible that i got preggo right after my period was over? the doc says my due date is july 1st based on my last period ...


  • I say oct. 8th
  • a pregnancy app I downloaded did youll u that unfortunately I donno what i2s called cause I deleted all those apps when I found this 1
  • im thinking oct 8th too but i just wondered if it was possible to get preggo right after ur period is over? and ive heard sperm can live up to a week or more inside you so could it be in between those days? this is soooo confusing to me...
  • @LuvMySon I'm in the same boat. My lmp was Oct 4 but I didn't test til Dec 11 which for me is weird because w/ my other 2 I tested as early as I could. My 1st doc originally told me I was due Aug 20, because he claimed I had a cycle in Nov then it changed to Aug 8 & now says July. The first time I saw him he said I was 6 weeks, 10 days later he said I was 10 weeks, 1 week later I was 13 weeks & then 5 weeks later I was only 16 weeks & this past week he says I'm 18 weeks. I walked out of his office 2 weeks ago & found another doctor. She saw me Friday & believes I'm closer to 19 weeks. I have an ultrasound apt today at 4:30 & I'm praying it will give me a due date for sure lol.

    Have you had any ultrasounds done or heard the heartbeat yet? I would request an ultrasound if you haven't had one yet.
  • I doubt you could get pregnant right after your period because sperm only lives for a few days and since your cycle is so regular, you probably ovulated right around, or even on, the 8th. The sperm from the 28th wouldn't have been around when the egg was released.
  • The doctor should be able to tell you the date of conception.
  • @starkrayzie... yeah ur old doc sounded like an idiot glad u found a new one...I've had two ultrasounds so far and they were normal but she did say he was a large baby for my 20 wk anatomy scan but she said she wasn't chaning my due date just bc he was big but excpects me to go early.
    @pebblesmommy...thanks u reassued me a lil bit I told starkrayzie they said he was a big baby that's y I thought maybe I conceived earlier but I guess he's just a big
    @babymomma...I am going to ask my doc next week when they calculate my date of conception bc all the ones online keep giving me different dates...but thanks
  • @Luvmyson My new doctor told me that my date should only change if an ultrasound shows differently. Not just because I'm measuring bigger. Hopefully you get an answer next time. I know how frustrating it is. Good luck!
  • ID say anything is possable, I counted 10days from the start of my period then had sex that whole week, im now 4 weeks prego test comfermed. Old method used back n our parents day. Anything online I found on when I could conseve was 1 to 2 weeks off from when I was fertal!
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