Did you have any pain in your virgina thats what im experiencing right not I'm so worried and stressed @oregonmama but my baby is moving normally any suggestions of things to do to help fight the infections
Well the doctors lied too me themel they told me they were giving me something different then before they just have it to me for ten days inside @loveourlittleone
@oregonmama You are right it is the same thing. @3_timer Take whatever they give you. Not sure how to prevent from getting it but I have heard it is common in pregnancy. Google ways that you get the infection, sorry it is to hard for me to research today. Good luck!
Oh they gave you the the cream to insert instead of the tablets? Well, it is the same thing, just a different route if administration. The metrogel is actually the brand name...metronidazole is the generic name regardless of if it is the tablets or cream you insert into your vagina.
Flagyl is what they commonly prescribe to treat it. It is considered safe during pregnancy.