toddlers at home with baby on the way

edited February 2011 in Parenting
Ok so I have a three year old son and a baby due in June . I find my self being a little more in edge when he doesn't listen . I just walk away take a couple of deep breaths then come back. Or I put him in time out. I just hate feeling like this bc I usually a really patient parent but between being tired working and trying to get things done .. its just kind of getting to me. Not everyday is like this. But my Doctor just said its part of the having more kids. Which I'm fine with just learning how to adjust. Anyways just wondering if any other moms are going through this.


  • I have a 2 yr old and my hubby works graveyard so its all me and I get so frustrated with him. I do feel bad but I honestly don't think he even notices. I just like to tell him I love him when he gets out of timeout and kiss him. I really think its hormones and not just part of having more kids though.
  • @lovebeingamom my son is three and I'm expecting my baby late June or first few days of July deciding on when the doctor takes me. I know EXACTLY what you mean. I find myself being very impatient with him and feel completely awful. My husband works second shift so I am with him all day long and get mad and upset way more easily than before. I find that walking away and composing myself works best but I wish I find a better solution than getting so upset over a toddler being a toddler.
  • I have a four year old and a one year old and find I have very little patience for them, and it seems like they're trying even harder to do the things I tell them not to. My 1 year old climbs on the tempered glass TV stand after I pull him off of it over and over, and my 4 year old constantly pushes and kicks here brother down, drags him by the arm like a rag doll, and tells me about all of the things her grandma lets her do that I tell her she can't do. It drives me insane! I'm just trying to keep my sanity.
  • I have a 8 ye old, a 6 ye old, a 3 ye old and a 2 ye old and i am due in May. It is very trying at times.
  • I have a 5yr old son a 6 month old kitten and a 5 month old puppy. Today is a day where I wish I had a bottle of patience pills that I could pop every few min. Between pullin the cat and dog apart and answering to my 5yr old I feel like they should just put me in the crazy bin till this baby gets here inn a few weeks... ;)
  • I had the same problem I had no patiences what so ever which is weird for me cuz I've always been really good with that I just had my babygirl at. 33 weeks on the 17th n still find myself coming down off the hormones lol now its just harder becuz I don't have my baby with me since she's still In nicu but I'm workin on it this week it'll get better good luck
  • I feel like I'm going through the exact same thing! I have a 3 year old son, who'll be 4 in June, and before I was pregnant, I had a lot more patience and was a bit more tolerate of certain things for longer. But everytime I take him out and he starts getting lively I get really nervous and at home it makes me really worried when he doesn't listen, I'm just dreading him being like this when baby comes, - if it's this hard when he pretty much has all my attention how will it be when it's divided!? I'm just hoping he settles in the few weeks I have left before baby!
  • Thanks ladies its nice to know I'm not losing my mind! Thanks! I know its kind of hard right now but after the new babies come it should be easier :) best wishes ladies and thank you
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