Dominic's Birth Story :) Update with pics!!!
I'm almost 2 weeks late but I've been busy with my beautiful baby boy! Is there any way to post pictures from my phone?? My laptop isn't working for some reason....
It all started Thursday evening around 6pm. Hubby and I went to Chick Fil A for dinner and whie we were there I got a couple of strong contractions. But I didn't think much of it since they weren't constant. After dinner er went to the mall. Around 8 I went to the restroom and noticed I had lost some of my mucous plug. But again I didn't think much of it so we kept walking around I started to have random strong contractions around 9. When we got home we watched Jersey Shore and I kept getting contractions they were 20-30 mins apart. We went to bed around 11 I wasn't sleepy so I was on FB and lurking around pregly. Around 1am my contractions were getting stronger and by this time they were 8 mins apart. So I decided to take a hot shower to help ease the pain. At 3 am they were 5mins apart so we decided to go to the hospital.
When we got there they had me on the monitor for an hour and then they checked my cervix. I got bad news it was high and closed and only 70% effaced. So they sent me home but I refused!! My contractions were 1minute apart and I couldn't walk or talk thru them and they were trying to tell me the were just braxton hicks. The nurse also told me I was dehydrated... I was like no I'm not I've been drinking water like no other. So I bitched and bitched til the doctor on call allowed me to walk around for one hour. By 6:45 they checked me again this time I got a new nurse. She gave me the great news! I was 3cm and fully effaced although baby was still high. By 7:55 am my ob showed up I was relieved to see him he decided to break my water. After that things moved quickly by 10 I was 5cm and by 11 I was 6. Although I tried my hardest not to get the epidural I gave in the pain was killing me and to top it off I had a cold so every time I coughed I felt like my back was gonna break. By 1pm I was 9.5 and I got stuck there til 3pm. At 3:15 I started pushing and I gave it my all. At exactly 4pm my little Dominic was born as soon as I saw him I started crying with joy. He was and still is perfect I can't believe I'm now a,mother. It's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. Oh and my husband got to cut the cord he was an amazing support system I couldnt of done it without him.
Dominic Angel Castillo Jr.
Born @ 4pm 6lbs 11oz
I wish I could post pictures! If there's a way let me know I'm on my phone. Sorry so long! oh and I've lost 17 lbs since then.
It all started Thursday evening around 6pm. Hubby and I went to Chick Fil A for dinner and whie we were there I got a couple of strong contractions. But I didn't think much of it since they weren't constant. After dinner er went to the mall. Around 8 I went to the restroom and noticed I had lost some of my mucous plug. But again I didn't think much of it so we kept walking around I started to have random strong contractions around 9. When we got home we watched Jersey Shore and I kept getting contractions they were 20-30 mins apart. We went to bed around 11 I wasn't sleepy so I was on FB and lurking around pregly. Around 1am my contractions were getting stronger and by this time they were 8 mins apart. So I decided to take a hot shower to help ease the pain. At 3 am they were 5mins apart so we decided to go to the hospital.
When we got there they had me on the monitor for an hour and then they checked my cervix. I got bad news it was high and closed and only 70% effaced. So they sent me home but I refused!! My contractions were 1minute apart and I couldn't walk or talk thru them and they were trying to tell me the were just braxton hicks. The nurse also told me I was dehydrated... I was like no I'm not I've been drinking water like no other. So I bitched and bitched til the doctor on call allowed me to walk around for one hour. By 6:45 they checked me again this time I got a new nurse. She gave me the great news! I was 3cm and fully effaced although baby was still high. By 7:55 am my ob showed up I was relieved to see him he decided to break my water. After that things moved quickly by 10 I was 5cm and by 11 I was 6. Although I tried my hardest not to get the epidural I gave in the pain was killing me and to top it off I had a cold so every time I coughed I felt like my back was gonna break. By 1pm I was 9.5 and I got stuck there til 3pm. At 3:15 I started pushing and I gave it my all. At exactly 4pm my little Dominic was born as soon as I saw him I started crying with joy. He was and still is perfect I can't believe I'm now a,mother. It's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. Oh and my husband got to cut the cord he was an amazing support system I couldnt of done it without him.
Dominic Angel Castillo Jr.
Born @ 4pm 6lbs 11oz
I wish I could post pictures! If there's a way let me know I'm on my phone. Sorry so long! oh and I've lost 17 lbs since then.
and btw congrats!
i cried somewhat when i heard my sons cry, but it was mostly sadness because i didn't get to see him or touch him for a long time.
@sunshinelove thank you.
And the ladies name in Lina she has a Facebook business page the name of the page is Over the Moon Hat designs.