help ! scared to breastfeed after wat ppl have told me !

edited January 2011 in June 2011
1st pregnancy, scared to breastfeed after wat ppl have told me. But they also say tat isga better choice then bottle feed.. i really want to breastfeed im scared when i think about it help !! :(


  • Your not the only one scared! Im so scared bc of how they say it hurts. Im going to pump but im still scared. Guess ill find out what its like in 16wks!
  • Its Not bad. Breastfeeding does hurt, but pumping doesn't. I suggest you pump. Itll be easier on everyone! Youre boobs won't get chapped or bloody with pumping because theres no saliva going to them.
  • Oh im glad you told me that bc I thought pumping caused pain too. I never really asked anyone about pumping before.
  • edited January 2011
    The first few second do alittle but out goes away. It depends how full you get. As long as its coming out somehow youre body will produce the hormone for you to make milk. at least try, because formula is so expensive. I have a really good pump to and it was only 70 bucks. Its made by evenflow
  • Breast feeding only hurts for first few times. And along as you look after your nipples after every feed they won't become sore. a pump is always great to have bottles prepared so you don't have to constantly clean and moisture after every feed. good luck x
  • As long as baby is latching on correctly breast feeding should not hurt after the first few weeks! It is so worth it! I bf my first for the first year and pumped while at work after the initial ten weeks I was at home. Wonderful for baby and also for you! So many health benefits for both :) good luck on ur decision!
  • As long as the baby latches on properly it's not very painful. There is discomfort when the breasts are engorged but once feeding/pumping is done there is relief. I think it depends on the baby. Breast feeding my first child was very difficult. She just didn't have a great sucking reflex and never wanted to latch properly so it was painful. I only lasted about 5 weeks before giving up. My second child took to it very well and the only discomfort I had was when I was engorged. I bf him for 5 months before scheduling got too chaotic for me to continue. You can always give it a try and if out doesn't work out switch. I have found it to be a wonderful bonding experience and a great way to drop some of the pregnancy weight. Good luck with your decision.
  • I had a few problems breastfeeding, but kept it up for 5 months. It was the pumping that was hard for me to keep up with. Pump for 20 min, feed the baby, wash was harder than just beastfeeding. I wish I wouldn't have switched to pumping only. Just wanted to throw that out there that pumping is not always the easy option.
  • Either way pumping or bf can be difficult. I did both and my nipples were always sore BC I didnt use the right pump fo me.
  • I just had a breast feeding class last week I'm 32 weeks and this is my first the truth is that if your doing it properly it shouldn't be painful! Plus they have people in the maternity ward that will help you if you have questions or problems! Try it before you make a decision cuz its sooo much better for baby and you! You'll lose weight faster! :)
  • I did everything possible...classes ..lactation meetings....nipple guard....I cudnt do it. Others cud get my second son to latch but I cudnt. I ended up pumping until he was 7 months. Pumping is extra work cuz u gotta clean the stuff and find time to do it but I figured it saved us $$ and gave son the best. Night was the worst cuz I wud feed him pumped milk from bottle but u still have to stat up to pump and if u don't u can get an infection and that was the worst pain/feeling ever. It takes motivation
  • I have 3 kids now and 25 weeks along with the 4th. I have breast fed all of my kids but just this last one I had a lactation consultant at the hospital. Wow the difference that made!!!! I have to say once I got the proper help there was virtually no pain! If you start out skin to skin feeding the baby should latch on good right from the start. I only pumped a few times and I'm not a fan of it. I prefer to just nurse.
  • I haven't read all the posts but I wonder what people have been telling you that is so scary bc all.I can say is that its an amazing experirnce
  • Don't know why my previous message was posted when I wasn't finished! Breadtfeeding is an amazing experience, both for mum and baby. It's a great way to bond and truly a miracle when baby starts bobbing their head up and down after delivery looking for your breast bc they can smell the milk! Don't waste your energy stressing about it bc you won't have much every after the birth, just go with the flow and see it as a new experience. Can't believe people would scary u when its the most natural and wondering gift for ur baby. If you breastfeed, its the most precious gift u will ever give to your baby and that's priceless! I should know, I breastfed my son for two and a half years!
  • I breast fed my daughter for a week and a half and I stopped cos it hurt. When I was pregnant with my son, I found out about Lanolin and decided to try it. I was sore for the first week of breast feeding him but I kept using lanolin and it was easy after that. :) I'm going to breast feed again too!
  • I agree.... there are creams that make it more bearable.... it hurts for the first 2 weeks but the bonding experience is something to cherish when you breastfeed.... but I suggest pumping too to let dad have a turn and for you to take a break
  • I had some pain with my son. But I didn't get educated so he didn't latch properly, and I never used anything. With my second I learned how she wad suposed to latch and used lanolin. I had just a little soreness and that's it. Its perfect food for the baby. And helps you loose weight and tighten up faster. Its not the easiest thing in the world but having kids isn't about what's easy. Its about what's best for this child we have brought into the world. It only effects us a few months. Effects them the rest of their lives. And it really is amazing. So give it a try!
  • I breastfed my daughter for 18 months, she never took a pacifier or a bottle, completely refused both. I never had any discomfort except a little bit when engorged and when her teeth first started to cut through her gums. Once or twice when she didn't latch on quite right it was a little uncomfortable but you can break the suction and start over, other than that I never had sore, cracked or irritated nipples. If the baby latches correctly, you should not have any problems, definately try it, the benefits to both you and your child are worth it.
  • I ahve had 4 babies and breastfed them all. Expecting #5 in July. If it hurts when nursing baby then baby is not latched on right, That is the 1st thing they tell at the hospital it should not hurt or else baby is not on the breast correctly , therefore take baby off and retry. Use the lactationist at the hospital as much as you need. And see if there is a breastfeeding class you can go to before the birth and also some places offer help after baby is born. My 1st baby didn't hurt at all to my surprise. Althought with my 3 girls I did get alot pain at first ans had the cracked bleeding nipples, but that was because baby wasn't latched on right. If your baby is only sucking on the nipple then you do damage to the nipple causing soreness, cracked nipples and even bleeding. But if baby is on properly meaning nipple and areola which is what around your nipple then there shopuld not be any pain. Remember baby has to learn how to nurse, they don't come out already knowing, you have to teach them to be on the breast right and sometimes even do things to keep them awake, because they tend to fall asleep on you. But it takes lots of patience and practice for both mom and baby. Every baby is different. Just because one might nurse wonderfully like my 1st doesn't alsways mean your next will. So keep your head up, and think positve. Its a beautiful thing to nurse your baby and knowing its you that is giving what he or she needs to survive & grow. THe bond is amazing. I've nursed my babies till 9 months and stopped due to getting pregnant. But have a support system set up so if you need help after the baby is born you can go or call to get some assistance. If you get WIC they do offer help as well with nursing, just ask. But do not beat yourself up if you decide otherwise not breastfeed. It does take more work to do than bottlefeeding, and it is better for baby, and there is no making bottle in the middle of the night or waiting to heat up the milk as your infant is crying. Just don't give up to easy if you do decide to try it. After a few weeks to a month or so you and baby should have it down pat, maybe even sooner. Good luck & God bless to all the mommies! :)
  • This is my first baby and I want to breast feed because its way healthier for the baby and you can lose weight as well ppl tell me all the time it hurts but that's a pain I'm ready to deal with for the sake of a healthy child don't let ppl discourage you. On breastfeeding
  • Don't be scared its not as bad as u think the first couple of times is unconfortable but that goes away fast its the best thing for your baby and it gives u amazing bonding time .
  • I havnt read everyone's comment so I may just be repeating my my friend breast feed untill her baby was about 1!!! This is after, cracked and bleedidg nipples. They were extreemly bad!!!! Me on the other hand breast feed with in 5 mins of holding my daughter. I put her on myself and never looked back!! But.... stopped after a 7month struggle to keep her on because she got painful wind and was interested at everything else in the room so after a 5min feed she would detach and leave me praying everywhere lol!! I NEVER had sore nipples though. Thank god!!
  • Breast fed my first 2 and no problems. Loved it, really helped bonding but since my last I have had a double mastectomy do have to bottle feed this one...tbh I'm gutted x
  • I am pregnant w/ my 3rd, breastfeeding is totally worth it. Good info in the "what to expect in the 1st year book". Best thing I did with my second was starting lanolin on nipples a month before baby. Gets nipples ready, didn't have any bleeding, hardly any soreness. Don't be scared it is totally work working thru any troubles, until u & baby find ur groove.
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  • My stepmom breastfed my baby sister until she was almost a year old.....the key is making sure that you dont just get the nipple in there, but a little of the areola too the areola is more cushiony than the nipple, so when baby latches on, you shouldn't have prego with my first, gonna breastfeed....use any resources you can at the hospital; i have a birthing sister from wic (and they also have a TON of info for you), a caseworker from Healthy Baby Healthy Child (another great support program), and there are different classes at the hospital for breastfeeding (they even go over it in lamaze classes- the birthing classes) good luck and hope it helps!!!
  • When you have your baby the hospital will offer to have a breast feeding specialist come and give you pointers and answer any questions. You'll do fine
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