Just a question about group b

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
If positive my first two tests in '05 and '06, and my doctor claims this test was negative, should I still request the iv thats administered during labor, or would it be okay trusting that my baby would be fine? I know its dangerous for baby, and I was just so sure that I would be positive this time around..but nope..its negative..


  • edited September 2011
    If you have the option to be treated for it even though you're showing up negative.. do it. Babies getting sick from GBS can be scary. Some lady had a post up here a couple weeks ago saying that her tests came back negative but it was a false negative and her little one ended up on the ICU with ammonia because of it. Pneumonia can be fatal.

    I think every mom should be treated for it regardless. Its better to be safe then sorry.
  • @eskarne_339 thats what I was thinking as well..I've been seen by the nurse and she gave me the results and now I'm waiting on my doctor..I'm going to request that I do get the Iv..I haven't seen that post from last week..but honestly I think this would be a false positive on my current pregnancy as well. I hope her little one is doing okay.
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  • @caffeinated_katie thats what the nurse said as well..hopefully my doctor says its okay
  • @eskarne_339 its pneumonia not ammonia.
    But I heard that gbs comes and goes so if you test one way, who's to say its not the other way during labor.
  • @one5one Oops! Hah, thanks. I don't find myself ever using that word so I totally forgot!
  • If you request it hun, they're required to give it to you :) all you have to do is request it when you go into labor.
  • She said she will go ahead and do the iv for me..:)
  • @eskarne_339 ots ok. I've done it myself! Its such an easy word to mix up!
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