Feelin sorry for myself I think...

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm due in 1 week. Debtor he induced in 1 week if I don't POP by then. Husband is so stressed out at work, he works nights and sleeps in most ofbthe day so I don't get to spend a lot of time with him when he does get stressed. He is leaving for work in 30 mins. He's showering right now. My little doxies is pregnant too. Due to have her puppies any day. I'm stressed about if we will be here for her. My friends all are busy with their lives and live 30-45 mins away and in the last 5 months I've only seen Amy of them when I made two trips up there and a handful when they came to our friend baby shower. Hubby and I rent the downstairs of his parents house. My MIL is crazy and my FIL is gone on a trucking job. I hate my life right now. I know there are so many other things or situations that could be so much worse... But I feel so alone and sad and Idk...


  • Sorry to hear. I have about 2 wks left until the DD but do you know any of neighbors to be friends with? Will your MIL step in when puppies get born? How do people handle w/ their pets about to give birth anyway? Chin up!
  • I'm sorry. :( that is a stressful situation. I wish someone could help you out. You and your dog due at the same time is gonna be very hard. (Which is Why ur stressed) can you take your dog to a vet to help her while you are in labor and whatnot? I hope it gets easier for you mama
  • I'm so sorry ur going through all this. Pray to God for strength & peace. I will say a prayer for you too.
  • @gladiator007 my MIL doesn't come downstairs unless she has something to gain from it and she isn't good with pets, unfortunately. Our dog Izzie gettin preggo was a mistake, we didn't have the $ to get her or our boy dog Maverick fixed, so we gave up Mav to my brother but apparently not soon enough for her to not get knocked up. The neighbors aren't that friendly... And the neighborhood isn't a very good one... :-(

    @babynumber02 someone suggested I call our vet and ask about that. I'm calling them in 5 mins to ask bcuz we are literally out of ideas... I'm scared to come home to a dead dog and puppy bcuz we weren't here! I keep having nightmares about it.

    @wilsomom thank you :-)

    @all Idk, maybe its just my hormones too... I just cry after my hubby talks to me. He said goodbye to leave for work and asked why I seemed weird. I told him I was just tired. and he said ok and left. I cried. Then he called a few mins later to ask about something with our car. End of call. I cried. Am I just super sad bcuz its the last week?? I haven't been emotional at all throughout my pregnancy...
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