he gave it away

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I had a regular 2d ultrasound and I asked the tech if baby Livy was in the right position could she get a 3d pic of her face. and she did and gave us a picture...just one. Well bf went to see his father and showed him the pic and he asked for it and bf just gave it to him. It wouldn't bug me if that wasn't our only picture. I can't just ask for it back bc he is absolutely ecstatic about it. I did take a pic of it on my phone so I could post it on fb so bf doesn't see it as a big deal bc we have an electronic copy of it but its not the same and we can't put it in her baby book now. I'm bummed.


  • I would ask for it back and have him take a.picture of it on his phone. Tell him you want the "original" one for the baby book.
  • I would be mad as well. You can take the electronic copy up to walgreens and have another one printed off... It wont be the same as the original, but it is scrapbook worthy!
  • Let me get this straight. His dad asked his son for an ultrasound pic and he just gave it to him? weird.go get the photo and go to officemax and get a compy for 67 cents and give him the copy.
  • I agree with II10 that ask for it back nicely and make a nice color copy. He gets color copy and you get the orginial.
  • or if you have a scanner you can scan a copy
  • Yeah. Get it back and give him a copy. Just tell him you need to get the original framed. He won't mind.
  • Yep I agree with the other ladies, tell him nicely that its your only one, and you would be more than happy to make him a copy. Unless he's a complete psycho I'm sure he'll understand lol.
  • My mom has a 3d of my babygirl but that's because my mfm dr gave one to my son and my son gave it to her.
  • My mom has a 3d of my babygirl but that's because my mfm dr gave one to my son and my son gave it to her.
  • Thanks ladies! Don't get me wrong...he has tons of ultrasound pictures 2d...I get an ultrasound every month so its not like he doesn't have pics of her. I told him he needs to ask for it back and take it down to kinkos and might as well make copies for all the grandparents then.
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