feeling awful

edited January 2011 in September 2011
Ugh, I have been waking up feeling terrible everyday. If the calculations are right, I'm in my 5th week. This is my first pregnancy. I had a recent bout of bronchitis and asthma and have been having a very difficult time breathing ever since. I was on advair and proair hfa, but they are both class C meds that could possibly harm the baby. I have a lot of mucus and every morning I cough my lungs out to the point that I throw up. I wake up super hungry, but with no appetite. I don't know how women go through this! I hope it is just a first trimester thing. I'm sick of not being able to move around or even stand up for more than a minute without feeling dizzy.
Can it be September already?


  • Try not to worry too much...sickness does get easier. I am on meds for my heart and i am 7 weeks pregnant but i have to take them even though they are class b. I am sure that everything will be fine with your baby
  • Kepler your head up it gets better! Ask your Dr about ur meds!
  • I am on advair as well and my midwife said I need to stop but gradually, not cold Turkey! So it doesnt cause a flare up. There are other meds that you can take for breathing that wont harm the baby. I was on flovent for my last one. Keep water and salteens next to the bed, for the morning sickness. The mucus could be from asthma flare up.
  • Thanks for the advice! I just went to the local walk in clinic. When the nurse called my name, I must have stood up too fast, cause I started hyperventillating a little when she weighed me and she told me to calm down or they would have to send me to the ER! I managed to get my breathing under control and when the DR came in to see me, he seemed concerned. They measured my oxygen levels and he said that somehow mine was standard. However, he wondered how I had survived like this for more than a month, and mentioned something about my brain might not be getting enough oxygen. They gave me a shot of steroids and a nebulizer treatment of albuterol. I got a prescription for prednizone oral steroids and another daily inhaler medication. I still have the proair and he gave me another refill prescription so I don't run out. I have to go back on Tuesday to see if it is helping. Hopefully I will be 50% better like he said.
    I'm a bit worried about all these class c medications. I don't want my baby to have any complications because I took medications. I pray that God watches over all our developing little ones. At least if I am getting enough oxygen I can be sure my baby is too, right?
    Sorry for the long rant, but we haven't told the family yet and i'm just really worried and I want the best for my little one.
    Thanks for your input, opinions, and advice Mel96, babygirl, and tiffamommy!
    @ tiffamommy keep us all updated on the weaning of meds progress, I am curious as to how that works out for you.
    Good luck to us all, and God bless our babies :)
  • The thing is most drugs are class c because no one wants to do a research trial on someone who is pregnant. Most docs have a good idea of what is safe. I have to take c drugs but have done mass research before even filling them. Good luck and feel better
  • Good luck going off meds was awful for me. And now that I'm off my class c meds and no longer "detoxing" I have morning sickness. I wish you the BEST!!!!
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