Anyone else due in May? Or am I the only one so far?

edited September 2011 in May 2012
I'm due May 7th, just wondering if there's anyone else out there due in May? :)


  • I'm not due in May, but on March 8th. Not many early pregnancies out there. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  • Congrats to yuu too! I've met one person due in May so far lol
  • DD May 5th ;) Congrats ladies
  • Bump again.:)
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  • @2BeForgotten congrats hun! my due date is either the 5th or 7th of May lol (:
  • May??!! Holy crap! That's forever from now.....I for one think this gestation period is wayyyyyy too long, I feel like I been preggo forever:/
  • Trust me, ladies... the road looks long right now, but when you give birth, you'll miss it. ;) My baby girl is 1 week 2 days old, and I already miss it. :D I was laying my hands under my pp belt with my fingers on my incision and for some reason, my mind told me to pay attention for kicks. I was like, "wait a minute..." lol
  • I am due Apr 28th but I am sure that babe will be born in May not Apr!! Both of my kiddos took their time getting here. My 1st was 11 days overdue and I was induced. My 2nd was 8 days overdue and I had her naturally :)
  • Im april 1 still close :)
  • after my 2ww If I am prego I will be due end of may :)
  • so still no more may mummys? really want a belly buddie lol :D
  • I was due may 4th 2011 lol. And my baby was born on her due date! Good luck may mommies!
  • Hubby and i tried again this month. If we get our bfp in 2weeks tjen we will b due may 27th
  • i guess we will find out soon. af due 2mrw. fingers crossed. no cramping or af signs yet. :)
  • Well just found out. Dunno how far a long I am yet. Just had a baby in May so im pretty surprised to say the least. But I find out my HCG levels tomorrow looks like I might be due 3 or so of May
  • @kayleigh27 congrats! theres not many ladys due in may :( p.s. if my babys a girl the name we have choosen is kayleigh, its such a beautiful name :D
  • Congrats"!! I'm May 5th. I'm surprised to that there are not more May due dates.
  • @tracy119 i had an ultrasound yesterday and im may 5th too! congrats :D
  • @everyone congrats on your new bfps :D !
  • @mumma_to_be Awww thank u. My name was actually going to be ashley but my mom saw the name Kaylee on a diaper bag. It was my dad who changed the spelling after I was born. :) well my levels came back looks like im only about 1 month or so they're going to draw another lab Thursday and tell me when I can get my ultrasound. I can't help but be a bit nervous since I did have a mc last yr although I did have a healthy pregnancy after that.
  • @kayleigh27 yuur welcome :) i had a miscarriage in march this year, scared but still oh so excited lol
  • Me too! Im actually getting excited about this one. Even though I just had a baby 4 months ago. We were ttc her for over 1 yr and just one night we get pregnant with this one! So im just feeling that this one was meant to be :)
  • @kayleigh27 everything happens for a reason :)
  • @mumma_to_be yes it does. Ughhh I can't wait for my ultrasound! !! Lol my due date looks around may 18th now so I reaaally want to know for sure. I've been trying to figure out when I ovulated. I it was sometime between the 17th or the 21st because I did get faint positive ovulation test on the 17th and the 21st I got a super dark positive. We did have sex I think on the 20th but shoot I dunno lol too much math
  • @kayleigh27 at my ultrasoun all we could see was the sack and yolk sack lol but i need to have anotha ultrasound next friday and the week after that as well cause the reason i had the ultrasound yesterday was cause i had bleedin :( but everythin looked good and the sack was measuring right :)
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