I bleed 2 if its brown blood I.wouldnt be freakin.out but its always good 2 get checked.incase if iys bright red blood n clots if go straight to emergency
I wouldn't freak out, its common, but do call just to make sure everything is perfect. In the mean time, drink lots of water and try to lay down for as much as possible good luck! Xoxo
Well some was brown and some was red..it was like his nail cut me (tmi) or there was a clot..I called the doc and they said that durring this part of the pregnancy there's a lot of blood flow and it was just irritated. That if it keep on and I started cramping to go to the er..but it stopped durring the night and I never cramped
My mothers a nurse an she told me not to have sex for the first few months so I didnt Ring yur doc or midwife but for nw dont let him put him thing! in u think of other ways if u get what I mean ;-)
2 days ago my bd and I were having sex and I started bleeding a lot.. I freaked out n went to the hospital but they checked n saw that my baby is perfectly fine... it was probably just sensitivity... so it shouldn't b nething to worry about unless u cramp and have bloodclots...