my almost three month old

edited September 2011 in Babies
Is in the early stages of teething my poor princess I hope it stops hurting also how do you breast feed when they have teeth


  • I wish I knew how the breastfeeding with teeth works! Obviosly something clicks, otherwise there'd be more formula babies. :D So here's a bump past all the whining and complaining posts for ya! ;)
  • When my nephew started teething my sister had to stop cuz he was biting her.. ouch! You could pump and then bottle feed
  • They just learn its a no no. Ive heard of some parents lightly flicking the babies cheek if bit.
    I briefly know this chick on my fb who's daughter is 20 months and is still breast-feeding
  • A properly latched baby can't bite the nipple since its like an inch past babies gum line. If baby does bite don't pull away *I know easy to say* that'll cause even more nipple damage. Press baby into the breast so you seal the mouth and nose which is startling and causes babe to unlatch.
  • writing these tips down! :)
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