depression or pregnancy hormones?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hi All
I feel like this pregnancy has been very depressing. This will be our 4th baby. We are so excited that we are having her, but I have been very emotional. My other pregnancies weren't as stressful. It's not even the pregnancy...its surrounding circumstances, like being laid off, having to move in with family due to our landlord not paying their mortgage, etc. Am I taking it harder because I am pregnant or am I depressed? My Dr says hormones...but I'm not sure. Is anyone else going thru rough times right now and how do you deal with it?


  • Did you take a page from my book very happy about baby number three but I never seem to feel happy and cry all the time, things have been stressful for me but seem to be looking up but cant pull myself out of this funk either
  • I have just been in deep prayer give it to god, glad to see its not only me
  • Hope things start to look up for you and congrats on the new addition
  • @black_butterfly
    I am trying so hard to give it to God. I pray just about everyday. I go thru days where I feel like "it'll all turnaround" and then there are days where I feel like "i am drowning or I can't breathe". Thank u for your kind words.
  • Your more than welcome, I know exactly how you feel, Im feeling like that right now but I dig deep inside and find all the reasons I can be thankful for instead of all the f'd up things going on in my life my children who smile when they see and for those seconds my world is perfect :)
  • My mom used to say that after every rain storm there are beautiful rainbows that always made me smile sending rainbows your way
  • I'm in the same boat as u I got laid off and our landlord was an ass so we moved into my parents basement. It's probably depression to an extent with the hormones making it way worse. just remember, god has a plan and everything happens for a reason. Keep ur chin up hun
  • Thanks ladies....sometimes I feel like no one understands, but I'm glad I shared.
  • I feel the same way I got fired from my job then two months later I found out I was pregnant
  • I've suffered from depression since i was in highschool. Ive been on and off antidepressants they've never really worked for me and I've been on top of the world and I've been thrown to rock bottom. Since being pregnant and going through the circumstances surrounding my pregnancy and my now ex I've been VERY VERY VERY depressed and i feel like there is nothing i can do about it.
    Hormones do not help.
    I've been coming to terms with the fact i need to reach out and get help because i feel like the depression can only get worse after baby and i want u to realize that too because it literally can take your life if u don't get the help and support u need before it escalates like i feel mine has and i feel like I'm at a rock bottom now that's why i wanted to share this with u.
    If i had reached out earlier when i noticed my first signs of depression taking over me i think i would be a lot happier and stress free right now and i would be a happy almost 7 mo preggo momma.
    But I'm not. plz don't make the same mistake talk to ur dr. Get a counselor or therapist. Go to church if that's your culture. Do ANYTHING u have to for ur baby and your mental health.
  • Hi everyone. I feel the same way. I always thought pregnancy was supposed to be a happy time, but that's not true with me.. this is my first and I can't seem to be happy. It doesn't make sense since Ive really wanted a baby. I try to keep myself busy. Yoga also helps. I'm also on zoloft.. good luck everyone
  • wow glad I'm not the only depressed one...I suffer from manic depression and at about 9 weeks pregnant me and my bf decided to take a brake so he could grow up...we still see each other...we live together lol but he is sleeping with some other girl right now and all she can talk about is my baby and how she will help him take care of my son even though I don't want her anywhere around my baby...sometimes I feel so down and I blame the baby for him leaving and everything then other times I stop and think well maybe when he sees his face he will come back...he still tells me he loves me and wants to be with me and that he just uses her for sex (she is the town bike...everyone has gotten a ride :) )but when I get in my moods all I can do is cry plus I have no job and neither does he...I can't work because of my depression and he is trying to find a job but its hard for him plus this other girl is always begging for his attention...she even tried talking him out of naming our kid Benny III so she could get pregnant and name the baby that...its hard suffering from depression plus the added hormones...the only thing you can do is try and find someone to vent to
  • @babyboyontheway
    Thank you for sharing. I will look for a counselor or therapist to talk to. I just don't want it to get worse. I was suicidal in high school and I got out of that funk when I met my best friend now husband. I'm not thinking suicidal thoughts now, just the stresses of life are wearing me out.
  • @babymama30
    It seems like everyone else around you is happier then you are right? I feel like telling some people what are you smiling or so excited about I am going thru a rough time right now - but I just say it in my head. Yoga sounds like a good idea. I will look into that.
  • @jbaby
    why does it the seem like the freaks come out when you are pregnant? its not fair to you and the baby to go thru that kind of drama.1st you shouldn't try to think maybe he'll change when the baby comes, because what if he doesn't change? 2nd you could name the baby whatever you want to. You should not care about what that other chick wants. But try not to name the baby out of spite, just to make the other chick mad. 3rd are you able to kick them out? I know it would be hard to raise a baby alone or even to be alone, but do you have another option of where you can stay because I don't like the situation you are in at all. And I say that with love.
    I don't blame you for not wanting that girl around your baby.
    I'll keep u and the baby in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Wow I'm new here and I had no idea anyone would feel how I do. Pregnancy isn't wut its like in the movies lol! Anyways, I'm scared and I feel so bad for my lil baby girl, I feel her movin inside me and I cry sometimes thinking oh wut a miracle, and I don't deserve u. I'm on medicaid thank goodness but they won't give me a place to stay or food stamps. I'm scared because my baby has nothing but me and grampa. I work so hard and all my money is taken from me. I have so much things to pay off so they don't put me in jail so I'm workin to stay out of the joint. I've finally settled down n stopped doing drugs thanks to my lil princess. But I'm afraid after she's born I will turn to drugs as usual. Baby daddy plays video games all day and wudnt even help me up if I fell. I pay off his bills too cuz I feel like I need him here...I'm alone without him. He's got a felony so I can't live with him and his lazy ass won't get another job to help with our bills. I'm afraid I won't have money wen she's born. Wut if I wake up one day to feed my sweetie and there's no food, no money for food, do I go steel something for my baby? Wut if I have no money for diapers? Do I use one of my old shirts. Poor baby. My baby keeps me alive. I'm so stuck in this rut I feel like its never going to get better and its all my fault. I'm sorry sweetheart. U desrve the whole world..
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