Pimples Anyone...?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am not sure if this is a pregnancy related thing or not but after getting pregnant I have been getting pimples in places I have never had skin problems before; IE back, neck, boobs...etc. Anyone else having this kind of problem? I am wondering if it might be a pregnancy/hormone related thing but I have no idea... Hoping it is, and will not continue to be a problem after giving birth... Anyone have any idea or tips?


  • Oh gosh I thought I was the only one breaking out in pimples I have them on my face, chin, chest, back ughhh its a pain I wish I knew what actually causes it and what could be done for it to go away :(
  • I am getting them also:(
  • I've been more oily with skin congestion, but not pimples. I have noticed that the increase in oil is giving me dandruf. And I have super dry skin on my nips. So weird.
  • Omggggosh me tooo! I have them so much worse now! It has to do with hormones I'm sure, I also heard it means your carying a boy! :) so who knows!
  • I'm getting them too and I never break out :/ they are the deep ones too that hurt real bad and can't be popped immediately ughhh!
  • Well thank god I am not alone! Now I can rest easy and hope that they go away after! And to 1sttimemommy92.... I hope you are right! I really want a boy!
  • Ughh I've never been one to have more than one or two pimples on my face, and when i did, it was a big deal.. lol now I have the big deeeep ones that get hard.. and I have like alottttt now. Its almost depressing.. :(
  • Ok..mine are on my neck..back..chest..face and ARMS! Iits awful. Honestly who gets acne on their arms. I can't wait for it to go away
  • I have had them bad too, deep and painful. This morning I woke up with one in the crease of my nose! Does anyone know about skin tags? I hear its common to get them during pregnancy but do they also go away???
  • I've got a big one on the corner of my forehead which I have accidental rubbed it to hard by accident. Ouch!
  • Am I the only one with dandruff?!
  • I even noticed I goy some pimples on my neck too. And I come to realize that my ecezma is getting a bit worse. :( my eye lid and the back of my neck and my left area where my armpit is like around the chest area. Ugh its annoyingggg. I guess those r small pimples that I have on my fore arms I get them on my shoulders too. I just want it to goooo awayyyyy
  • Ya my pimples are usually small surface ones but totally annoying nometheless
  • omg I was going to write my own post about this today! mine are terrible! around my mouth and chin especially but also on chest and back! I'm also having really dry skin around my nipples. I dont usually break out but when and if i have in the past, I've always loved proactiv. Does anyone know if proactiv is safe to use during pregnancy?
  • i have them too :/ it sucks! i never got any when i was pregnant with my son, i had the beautiful "pregnancy glow". i've heard that it means you're having a girl.. they say girls steal all the beauty from the mom, & i definitely don't feel beautiful. i find out next week what i'm having so we'll see if its true :)
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