That is deffinetly still considered very high BP... u might have to start taking BP medication to regulate. If your Dr doesn't already know please call them.
go to the er or l&d or atleast call doc. This happened to me after my first and it turned out I had HELLP Syndrome (worst form of pre e). i was back in hospital for another 3 days . I hope this is not your case but I would just get everything checked out. Keep us updated!
Yeah you need to call your doctor or go to the er. How do you know its that high? Do you check it yourself? Try laying on your left side for 15 minutes and take it again. Chest pain is not good either. You are morelikley to have strokes and embolisms post partum.
When I went into labor my bp.shot and it stayed high for three days after that before they started medication after two weeks on the medication I forgot to take it for a few days. I went to the doctors so they could check my blood pressure and it was fine.
Maybe, but this is def heart/bp. I hope you get checked, there is always time until something bad happens, and I don't want to see that happen to you! I'll see if I have a good day nurse this morning and ask her about GD link.
Honey....numbers like that are high and puts you at risk for a STROKE! Do you have a headache or blurred vision? If any of those things happen you need to go to ER immediately. They might put you on BP meds to control it. I had pregnancy induced BP with my daughter 10 years ago and have been on meds ever since!
I get that (sorry response took a bit, been in and out of hospital with high bp and related issues). How are you doing? Any better? Hope so, trying not to bug, but been thinking about you!