Sad & Alone (VENTING)

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I'm not sure what category this falls into but I needed to talk to other pregnant women. Well I'm 30 weeks and 3 days preggo. I'm married and now my husband put himself in a situation and I'm left here pregnant and alone. I have a 4 year old son and I feel like I can't do it on my own. My shower is suppose to be on the 24th and I really don't want to have it and have people wonder where he is but I do need the help. And now I don't know when he will be here and I'm scared to have this baby by myself. I know woman do it all the time but I don't think I have the strength.


  • edited September 2011
    I can relate to this the only difference is that im not married nd this is our 1st child together but I'm trying to be strong nd I pray everyday that things work themselves out just keep the faith mama
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  • Why did your husband leave you by yourself? You will have the strength. Just take it one day at a time. I was 24 and pregnant with our second when my childrens father left us. He took everything, wouldn't help me or see our son, and I didn't have a job!!! But I made it.(on my own) Now here we are six years later and I have gone further with my life than I would have if he stayed! It was hard, but you can do it too.
  • edited September 2011
    @Babynewberrysmommy_1 I'm sorry to hear that. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone. I've been praying & I know all I can do is have faith and be strong. But sometimes these emotions get the best of me.
    @2BForgotten Well just say my husband broke the law and now he has to pay for it. But financially, I'm good. I work and have benefits. But emotionally I'm at a loss. I have friends and family I can reach out to but it's just not the same. I don't want to go through these last days or birthing my child without him.
    @kiwi_mom My husband didn’t leave me by choice. He got himself into trouble. I know that I’m a strong person and he tells me if anyone can do it alone it’s me but I just don’t want to.
    @addi3886 Thank you so much. It seems like it’s the hardest thing to go through. But I know woman do it. I just need to get the strength.
  • I was married and pregnant with my first when my ex husband said he didn't want us. I was 7 1/2 months along. It was hard, but I made it thru & you will too. I was a single mom for 6 years. This summer I married a good guy & we're having a baby in november. You will be fine!
  • How long will he be gone? Im so sorry you have to go through this.
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  • edited September 2011
    @Pinkigirl Thanks for letting me know what you experienced. I'm glad to hear that you found a great guy in the end. I'm sure you more than deserve it : )

    @kiwi_mom Thank you. It's just an unfortunate situation. But I'm not sure how long he'll be gone at this time, he is still waiting to go to court.

    @2BeForgotten Thank you so much. Your kind words mean alot. I'm really gonna try to be strong.

    @addi3886 The whole situation sucks but I'm glad to hear that your cousin used that one mistake to change his life around. I'm hoping for the same. But it seems like you are a real supportive friend and family member : )
  • This is just an update. Wanted to thank everyone for all their kind words and support. But my hubby is home : )
  • Congrats! Permanently?
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