anyone who has lost a baby
I lost my daughter when I was 15 ( i am getting ready to turn 21), It is one of the hardest things I have been through in my life. I have learned to live with the pain and the void. to this day I have my good days and my bad. I made her a website to help me. I hard time around her birthday and due date. Every year for her birthday I let go purple balloons for how old she would be. Does anyone who lost a baby do anything to remember their birthday?
@mandac10 when I first lost my daughter I was so mad that they classified it as a miscarriage. I felt like it was different because she was big enought to be born that it was some how worse then losing a baby early. Then with this pregnancy I hemoraged real bad at 6 weeks. All I could think of was that if I lost this baby how would I remember it. At home I had such beautiful boxes with my childrens things. Their foot prints their handcasts, photos, little clothes and blankets. I survived my worst days cuddleing those boxes. I would have nightmares they were cold and I would wrap those boxes up and sleep with them to keep them warm. I had them both creamated and could visit where we spred their ashes. The all of a sudden there I was bleeding out at 6 weeks and I would have nothing to comfort me. Nothing to show my family so that they would understand. Nothing. It was just as scary to me as what was happening. Nothing for my dh. I realized then that losing is baby is losing a baby it doesn't matter when. In a way I was blessed more than a mom who lost a baby at 6 weeks. I got to have mine for 18. I got to hold them hear their heart beats see them move and kiss and dress them. My very dear friend lost her baby at 3 days old. But we still relate to eachother. We are all moms who's babies can't be with us. Its devistating.
Pregnncy after miscarriage is a weird thing that no one but people who have been through it can understand. I mean I knew women who had lost babies but until it happened to me I had no grasp of what they went through.
@babynewyear2012 I think about you everyday. If you need to talk or vent I'm here. I still have nightmares a year later about what I went through. Its so vivid and so real. I am so sorry you have togo through this.
I'm hoping Bunny goes over due, shes due Sept 25th, so Oct isn't just a month of broken dreams anymore