Pre-term labor cramping?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
Ok, I am 35w 4d pregnant and I woke up this morning cramping pretty bad like first day period cramping. It is all low in my back and pelvis but is hurting pretty bad. It seems to be constant and is not coming and going so I don’t think it is pre term labor but then again this is my first and I wouldn’t even know what that would feel like. However, every now and then I feel burning and pinching pain in my pelvic area. He is moving a lot this morning too so I am wondering if maybe he is just pushing down and that is what I am feeling. I had some pain similar to this but not this bad a week ago and went to the doctor’s and they did the stress test and said they saw I was having Braxton hicks but the baby looked great and gave me meds for a UTI even though they tested me and said I didn’t have a UTI. Well of course I didn’t take the meds bc I was told something different by two different doctors there and didn’t want to take the if I didn’t have to, I am weird like that. I feel like if I call them they will have me come in and say it’s because I didn’t take them but they were the ones that tested me and said I didn’t have one. Are there any other explanations of what this pain could be? It is starting to make me a little nauseas.


  • Is it accompanied by diarrhea? That can be a sign of labor. Relax and drink a ridiculous amount of water. Cramping is normal at this time, it can be your uterus getting ready, but beings you're not quite term yet, take precautions and relax. :) good luck hun! If it doesn't go away, go back in.
  • Not diarrhea but loose stool. The cramping I have now is stronger than the normal cramping I've had and is not going away. Thank you, I will drink a lot of water and just relax and hope that it starts to go away. If not, guess I will be calling the doc...
  • I just hate the wondering part lol
  • Lol I understand hun, in my experience that's what they usually tell you before coming in. Drink a lot of water and lay on your left side for an hour. If it doesn't help, go in :)
  • I'm 36+4 and have been experiencing the same things for about the last 2 weeks.
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