I don't I'm sorry. I'll bump and I have a question to add.. When would be a good time for this to be done? I'm thinking of asking my doctor at 38 - 39 weeks.
I had mine done with my second I was 3cm and 4 days later I went into labor, then this time with my third I was a 2 and 3 days later I went into labor.
Just had mine done this a.m. I've been at 1cm for the past month n ill b 41 wks thur. Ive been crampy n achy n having contractions, but they say that happens with the procedure and doesn't necessarily mean you're going into labor. The process is known to help soften your cervix though
When would be a good time for this to be done? I'm thinking of asking my doctor at 38 - 39 weeks.
i wasn't really dialated before..she could feel the head and said my cervix had soften more