no one warned me!

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
No one warned me that a pelvic exam was going to be soooooo painful!:( I will be 37 weeks on Wednesday so I had my first exam to check baby position (head down btw:) and see if my cervix was opening (it isn't yet ) but to find all that out I had no clue the doctor had to practically stick his whole hand up me I nearly cried! Omg idk how I'm going to handle labor:(


  • O no.. Good to know, thx for warning Us!
  • Thanks for the heads up!!!
  • I went to l&d at 32 wks. I had a PAINFUL exam there. I was SCARED to be checked at appts after that. But I asked them to be real gentle & it never hurt. The asshole there was just forceful!
  • Lol I'm glad I warn others because I wish I would have al least mentally prepared myself for that! Then my doctor was training a p.a and she wanted to exam me next, needless to say I said NO! Next week I better be dialated so I know the end is near. 37 weeks I have had a pretty good pregnancy but now I am OVEr IT!
  • Aww I had one done when I was 31 weeks I think (now I'm 34) and I was terrified lol I was just telling her to be extra gentle and she did and when I said ow she stopped and then continued slowly and gently, it didn't hurt but was extremely uncomfortable. Just tell them to be EXTRA gentle and you have nothing to worry about :)
  • After my first son I didn't want anymore kids because that part hurt so bad lol. But after 8 yrs I guess I forgot
  • aww im sorry love that it was soo painful >:D< .. it never hurts for me to get checked just uncomfortable .but then again i do have a low cervix and a high tolerance for pain
  • I didn't know..and I just switched from a female Dr to a male..uhhh!
  • My doctor must be gentle because he has been checking my cervix at every appt since my second appt and it doesn't hurt at all.
  • I went in yesterday for false labor pain and some doctor checked me, it hurted so bad. I flinched and screamed when she stuck that metal up there and she was tryna get me to relax but I couldn't. Then her fingers were short as hell so I could feel her knuckles digging on the side of my vajayjay. Y the hell are you a gyne with short fingers? And had the nerve to tell me my cervix or whatever was all the way up there. I told her my regular gyne never has a hard time finding it smh.
  • edited September 2011
    I know that feeling :,(. Thats one of the reasons that i never want to try for vaginal delivery again. When i was induced that was the worst part of all. Im small in there and i have a tilted cervix. I nearly passed out and i do have high tolerance for pain

  • I think it all depends on the dr & mommy. With #1, I had no problem. Even being checked, nothing. But I went into l&d a few weeks ago (about 26 weeks) and that dr was awful! My regular ob was delivering so I had his back up. I cried! And I have a high pain tolerance!
  • Awww im sorry mine dont ever hurt just a little uncomfortable
  • I've had 2 kids and it never hurt me
  • Right there with u girl! I was checked last Friday and it hurt so bad I also spotted for 3 days! But it all depends on the doc really! Im not going back to that doc again, mine was on vacation
  • I couldn't believe how much it hurt. The nurse felt bad for me and was rubbing my back to try and make me feel better because she could tell that I was in pain.
    I had to go to l&d this past weekend and a nurse checked me. That was the worst pain ever. I almost cried. When my doctor came in, he asked if I wanted him to check me too and I said not if you don't have to. I went back to my doctor yesterday and was terrified of being checked again, but it didn't hurt this time.
  • yep.. its even more uncomfy cause your so big and tender down there.. anatomy is off.. it will go back my cervex is way back.. at an angle so the dr always take a min.. and my uterus is tilted so it feels like theyer pressing realy hard on the fundus from obove.. so its like hand shove in the cooch and pressure on the abdomen from there fundle hight check.. argh.. i could kill the dr.. lol jk
  • I guess everyone is different. With my checks in both my pregnancies all I felt was pressure.
  • Ahhh I'm 31+4 and haven't been checked yet, now I'm scared! :'(
  • I had mines done. No pain at all. I am all weird. I am not high tolerance for pain, I am just weird. I rarely feel pain.
  • Wow sooo glad to hear I wasn't just being dramatic! I guess next week I will tell the dr to be more gentle ..
  • Omg, I make 37wks Thursday & getting checked for the 1st time...I'm sooo scared now!! I don't even like the Pap Smear. I don't like pain & I don't like the Dr. down there lol.
  • I almost threw up after mine because the doctor hurt me so bad I am not looking forward to any further exams.....
  • Now I feel bad ! Like I scared everyone.. but I needed to vent because I wasn't expecting that at all:(
  • I wish someone would have warned me lol @marie7s dont feel bad :)
  • edited September 2011
    yea ditto @missq_1sttimemommy2b I also make 37 weeks on thursday and have a drs appt that day. Now u guys are making me nervous. It kinda hurt when at my last appt she was trying to measure my belly. She pressed down on my pelvis a little and she was like oh sorry its expected to be a little tender down there. She then use a long q-tip to give me that test (I forget what its called) on my vag and anus. that hurt as well
  • I hatred it too. That was worse than labor for me lol. I dreaded those appointments.
  • @singlemama yes my doctor always pushes down hard on my stomach and the Group B Streptococcus test (UGH!) but luckily its almost over!
  • I had a nurse with LONG FINGERNAILS check my cervix. That hurt so bad!!!!!! Needless to say, I'm examining peoples hands before they go up my cooch from now on.
  • Omg :( ahhh now I'm scared!!! I'm 33 weeks today so I know they are gonna start soon...
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