@kenzie0713 .... how far along are you? how far dilated are you?? and how did you get your doctor to do it? .. sorry for the questions but i think im going to ask my doctor at my visit on friday ill be 39w2d
@kenzie0713 good luck to you and thanks.. im going to ask when i go in on friday since she has to check me anyway ..im praying she says yes.. one last question how did you ask??
Good luck, and lots of labor dust your way! I think i'm going to ask about it tomorrow at my visit. According to the office I should be around 39 weeks...Please keep us updated!
I'm debating on asking my doc to do that this Thurs (my last appt before my DD on 9/18). Is bleeding normal after? How long did it take (the whole membrane sweep process)?
Well my Dr offered to do mine at my 38 wk appt. So u probably have to be pretty close & I was.already 2 cm.dialated 50% effaced. Yes spotting & a little bleeding is normal. It took about a minute & felt uncomfortable, like a pap but with a bit more pressure@rizzychicky @adri805
@ahendricks09 I asked at my last appointment bc I've been contracting for weeks. I just said I read about it online and would like to give it a try and would like him to do it and asked his opinion and when it could be done he was really good about it!
so mini update...ive been pooping since i got home, slight nausea and cramping. my contractions didnt get worse until about 20 minutes ago and now they are still 3 mins apart but are getting painful im going to watch them for about an hour and then if anything go get checked. im kinda not wanting togo to l&d because ive been twice with steady contractions and been sent home once at 35 weeks once at 37 now im 39 so we will see!
@mommyoftwoprincesses thank you so do I!! ive been so uncomfy for weeks and my dr is on call tonight so maybe just maybe if they keep up and i go in he will help me if i need it!! @xpecting91611 its when they seperate the bag of waters from the uterus/cervix. think like when you carve a pumpkin and you have to wipe all the stringy things off the inside of the pumpkin thats how i picture it. it didnt hurt at all slight pressure. they say its more effective if your cervix is "ripe" i was 2-2.5 cm and 70-80% effaced -1 station i started to dialate slightly at 35 weeks and have gone 2 cm in the past 2 weeks so nothing major. From what ive read it kind of gives your body the extra push it needs to get the show on the road if its ready if not then it does nothing.
@adri805 thats norm the earliest they will do it, some dr will do it at 37 but i know mine wanted to wait till 38 and even then he pushed me off till 39 weeks i was sooooo pissed off when he didnt do it last week lol i almost cried!
@kenzie0713 thanks for the info. I was jw idk if would want to get it done or if my Dr would even do it but I should ask n e ways good luck n I hope ur labor goes smooth!!
@thekellikelli I'm spotting but its let up a good bad, solid contractions every 2-3 mins with some pain but not horrible and my back is hurting...when did u get urs done?? Were u dilated and stuff when they did it??
@kenzie0713 good luck to you and thanks.. im going to ask when i go in on friday since she has to check me anyway ..im praying she says yes..
one last question how did you ask??
@xpecting91611 its when they seperate the bag of waters from the uterus/cervix. think like when you carve a pumpkin and you have to wipe all the stringy things off the inside of the pumpkin thats how i picture it. it didnt hurt at all slight pressure. they say its more effective if your cervix is "ripe" i was 2-2.5 cm and 70-80% effaced -1 station i started to dialate slightly at 35 weeks and have gone 2 cm in the past 2 weeks so nothing major. From what ive read it kind of gives your body the extra push it needs to get the show on the road if its ready if not then it does nothing.
@momof22be why wouldn't ur doc do it? Good luck with the c section tomorrow, atleast u know it will be quick!!