She Broke My Rib!!

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
So i am just about 35 weeks and my little one has some power behind her kicks! I was laying down a few days ago and she kicked me so hard in the rib i had to cringe in pain, my rib was sore after that but i dident think much of it. Well the next day i could bearly breathe in all the way, a cough, sneeze, a tiny little laugh, moving to quickly, bending... any little movement in general hurts so bad i almost pass out from the pain. i have had rib pain from week 25 on, but this was way different, It was only the one rib rather than all of them. I decided to go get it checked out but my midwifes office was already closed for the day and i dident want to call her at home from something like this, so i went to a clinic. Well the on call Dr felt around, poked and prodded the rib and told me it was indeed broken but there was nothing they could do for me, but take tylenol and rest as much as possible. Then he quickly left the room before i could ask anything else.

Well, my question is have any of you ladies had this happen in this or a previous pregnancy? what did you do for pain management?

My big question that i am stressing about is were you able to give birth vaginally? or did you have to have a c-section due to the pain on your rib from pushing? I will ask my midwifes opinion when i see her next but just wanted to see if any one was in a similar situation?


  • Jeez! That sucks!
  • My best friend had three of her ribs broken by her little one not sure what she did for the pain but I do know she had two successful vaginal deliveries
  • There was a lady who had 5 ribs broken. Time to look into soccer for toddlers. Did the doctor say you could have percocets?
  • Ouch! That sounds painful! I think usmcmommy1107 I had that with her last pregnancy. I'd tag her, but I'm sure I spelled her screen name wrong, lol!
  • Owwwwchhhiiiieeee
  • that's crazy!
    sorry Im no help..
  • @Junebuggbabie85 Thank you, woah a little relief knowing i can still have a vaginal birth. I was freaking out for a while thinking i was gona have to have a c-section just because of the rib!

    @ll10 Yes indeed soccer for toddlers! and unfortunately he only said tylenol, because he was a clinic dr and dident know the ins and outs of my pregnancy he dident want to prescribe anything to me with out the ok from my midwife. Tylenol done absolutely nothing for me so im basicly working threw it with alot of moaning and gowning and moving around like a crippled animal.

    @2ndbutfirst Apparently it takes about one and ahalf to two months to fully heal, so lets just hope she dosent kick it again and completely break it off the cage! lol
    @laura536 Thank you! but after the post thats going on im just gona let her cool off maybe?
    @momof22be owchie is right! lol like ll10 said shes got a future in soccer, or kick boxing!
  • Wow! :O Sorry hun, hope u feel better :-(
  • They prescribe me percocets. I rarely take them my doctor said as long as its not everyday then your fine. My specialist told me not to take more than 6 a day. They def help curb the intense pain.
  • lol, sounds like a plan to me!
  • U can take percocets i did. I only take 2 a day but did with my last 3 pregnancies and all my children are a o.k. i know a lot of drs wont prescribe them due to the addiction risk. But i would defintely look into it
  • @ExcitedForOctober Thanx so much :)

    @ll10 ill have to ask my midwife at my next appointment, or maybe my family dr. My mother has an appointment with him tomorrow so maybe ill go with her and sneek a few questions in!
  • Yeah midwifes here can't prescribe I would def tag along with your mom to see if he will help you out.
  • My son broke a rib doing the final roll into position. i heard a pop & couldn't breath! The rib poked my lung & they put me on antibiotics. I delivered two weeks later, vaginaly, they have me pain pills, but it wasn't too bad. Hope you feel better soon!
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  • @Pinkigirl yikes im sorry to hear that, im glad you got to deliver vaginally though! and thank you :)
    @erkieshavingagirl i had hurd it could happen but never thought it would happen to me you know? im realy petite so iv got a tiny little rib cage and shes packed in there like a little sardine so i dident think she would have enough room to even back the force of a kick like that up! and thank you :)
  • @jtmoon98 yeah im gona give her a call tomorrow during office hours. Thats to bad about your tail bone, my mom broke hers a few years ago and i seen the pain she went threw, im sorry to hear that.
  • Ouch. I'm sorry. My son bruised my ribs last pregnancy. Get rest.
  • @jtmoon98 goodness, im realy sorry to hear that. He is just beautiful by the way!

    @pinkbaby0930 Thank you :) and they sure do cause some trouble before they'r even out yet eh!
  • my best friend had her rib fractured by her baby. She had a normal vaginal delivery with epidural. Although she said weeks afterward her ribs were still sore. So glad my little boy had been good and I dont have to go through that.
  • I am recovering from 3 broken ribs right now and my OB has me on Norco's because it is lower in tylenol. I also suggest sleeping in like a recliner --laying down will most likely hurt really bad. My OB also said there should be no reason why i cant deliever vaginally but if she decides to reinjure my ribs then he will take care of that then but as of right now we are looking at normal delivery. BTW I am almost 28 weeks and have been dealing with these ribs for the last 15 weeks. The pain does ease but it takes forever since the baby is always moving. Another thing they told me is to make sure you try and take deep breathes so that you dont get pnemonia (spelling sorry). I would definately call your midwife you can take stronger meds--meds that are a class B. I am pretty sure that is what the Norco is which like I said is Vicodin with less tylenol. Good luck my heart goes out to you!!
  • You should be able to take narcotic pain killers. I would demand to get some
  • @cntwaitfrmylilsweets ouchh hope you feel better friend
  • Oh wow I'm sorry:( that's happened to one of my friend her son broke three of her just days before she had him and naturally at that so I think you should be fine! My sisters friend's daughter broke her hip at 34w from a kick too that I'm sure wasn't fun:( well rest up and feel better!
  • @Mylittleman2011 wow 3 broken, that is horrible. And realy you can get pneumonia from not breathing in all the way?! sheesh i might be in trouble on that one. Stupid clinic doctor dident even tell me that!! they just want to push as many people threw in the least amount of time as the can! Unfortunately i dont have a reclining chair so iv had to sleep in my bed proped up with some pillows, still is excruciating though. Im gona tag along with my mother tomorrow to our family doctor and see if i can get something prescribed. Thank you so much for your help/advice, i hope your ribs feel better soon aswell!

    @Mama_luvs_her_girls I will go in to my doctors office and stomp my foot till i get some! hehe

    @eungab27 Thats very sweet of you, Thanx so much! :)
  • @charliebby1116 Goodness gracious a hip!! wow Emery would be grounded till she was 18 if she broke my hip haha Its realy nice to know that i can still have a vaginal though. Thanx so much :)
  • Yup a hip :( I can't even imagine the pain! Haha I'm with you on that one Sophia wouldn't see the light of day for a while! Lol... Oh no problem I'm glad I could help! :)
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