dog can sense labor

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
My dog has been all up on me today which is kinda unusual. She is naturally a loving dog but shes been up my butt day and putting her head on my stomach. Do you think she can sense something?


  • It's very possible. My dog knew I was pregnant with my first.
  • Maybe. Lol stay home with your hospital ride on call just incase
  • Lol that's cute!
  • Since I got pregnant my dog follows me everywhere including the bathroom.
  • My dog was attached just like that. Maybe they sense labor too
  • Could be dogs can sense all kinds of things except mine... he's just an annoying lil turd!
  • My dog follows me everywhere too and she was my husbands before she.met me intact our dog hated me but loves me now when we lived at our old .place she would attack the other dogs for trying to jump on me they know things
  • My dog could feel or hear my baby before I did. He'd be laying with his head on my belly and suddenly sit up and look at it as if he was saying "What is that!" Now that everyone can feel her moving, he purposely lays his head down hard so she'll kick him. It's so sweet. I think they're bonding already. I bet he'll know long before I do that she's on her way.
  • aww this is cute. I have little white maltese/poodle and I think he knows about the baby, he's just jealous. He tries to climb all over my belly like hes trying to stomp my baby out lol. He also always has to be sitting in my lap and then my baby starts kicking him (his father also doesn't like small dogs, could be some type of family resemblance there idk) lol. I started carrying around this dollbaby so he can get used to the idea of me carrying around a baby and whenever I pick that thing he could be sleep across the room, he'll wanna come over and beg for my attention. I don't know what I'm going to do with these two
  • I wish my dogs can sense my baby. They've always been attached to me though even before I was preggo. Idk if I can tell the difference!
  • My dog & my hubbys cat both knew a baby was there. They follow me around & either sit on my lap or put their head on my lap. They follow me into the bathroom if I don't close the door quick enough! Both have also tried getting in the shower with me! Animals know things before humans do.
  • i think they can just like they can sense your pregnant before u know it lol when i was pregnant with my first my moms annoying little chihuaha (SP) would follw me and always sit nxt to me on the couch and one day my son was kicking like crazy in there and the little dog kept putting his head there and started whimpering.....he eventually started to try and "dig him out" lol need less to say i shoved the dog off of me bc he hurt my belly trying to "dig" lol but i went into labor 3 days later lol
  • I love all the storys soo cute!
  • my dog follows me everywhere too but when i lay her on my belly she doesnt want to
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