anyone due june 16th? :-) x

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hi all we are expecting number 2 June 16th yay can't wait :-) anyone got the same due date? We are in England x


  • I was due on the 16 th but thwy changed it to the 11 th.this is my second to n im from uk x
  • Do you mind they changed it? Mine started the 21st but now the 16th :-) how's it going so far?x
  • Im glad jus means I dont have to wait quite as long im impatient already!:-) its goin really well tgis time how about yours? Have u got everything for baby yet? Do you kno wot ur having?x
  • I'm having my c-section on the 16th June having a little girl and live in England :)
  • I'm due june 15th but there is a chance ill go early!
  • im not doing too bad now had really bad morning sickness till about 5 months was being sick up to like 15 times a day was awful haha but im down to 3 times a week maybe whoop whoop so feeling great :-) im having a little girl a sister for my 3 year old!! and no i havent bought a thing yet for bubs oops hehe
    wow tammy thats cool means you really will have your lil one on the 16th congrats do you have any names yet??
    jbaby why do you think you'll go early? i have a feeling ill have mine on the 14th! how random is that just have a niggle lol xx
  • Im having a girl too so il hav one of son is 3 and very excited!iv got pretty much everything.( alot of it I keptfrom when my son was born) .iv bn lucky iv only bn sick once ib the whole pregnancy:-) x
  • With my other 2 kids I went at 37 weeks and so the doctor said that he thinks ill go at 36 or 37 weeks this time also plus this baby is about 2 inches taller then what he should be
  • Yes her name is going to be Addison Aurora. It's really odd knowing that's when she is def coming can't wait.
  • my lil girl is very excited as well she has even named her lol peperami!!!! isnt that lovely?? i didnt keep anything of jessicas at all kinda thought i loved baby shopping i wouldnt mind doing it again haha im gonna breast feed and she will sleep in the family bed lol so wont need and bottles cribs and bits so that brings th costs down alot!! do you have a name yet? im so wait im not i like lots of names i just keep having them turned down lol grrr!!!
    wow 36 weeks thats mad i hope yu go a little longer :-)
    tammy thats such a lovely name :-) u seem all set o go just a waiting game now huh? where abouts in uk are u all from?xx
  • yeah we are naming him Benny George the III...and I'm breast feeding also! But still buying bottles for the days he goes to the moms lol so this mommy can sleep! He is gonna have his own room though...ugh! Still can't decide what to paint it and everything! And yeah 36 weeks is early but I went into pre term labor at 32 with my son(second child) they finally stopped it but still had him at 37 weeks plus this baby is so big already that I wish he would come out! And I'm only 25 weeks!
  • haha oh no well whenever he comes it will be the right time i guess :-)
    what a strong name he's got he will do big things with a name like that!!! my mum lives like an hour and a half away and neither of us dive so its tough to get to see her much its rubbish wish she lived nearer!!x
  • Lol that's what we are hoping for! He has an attitude like his daddy already so I'm hoping he will use his stong stubborn mind for good lol and yeah both our moms live like a half hour away but they both have a spare bedroom set up for me and my bf to crash when we need it lol I wish we lived closer to them cause I'm a huge mommas girl and my mom has my other 2 kids for I miss them all like crazy!
  • me to love my mum loads and wish i saw her more my other sister and her kids live in florida so sh only sees them like once a year :-( im sure he will use it for good things my lil girl has a really strong mind also xx
  • Wer calling her elizabeth after my husbands bottle feeding so iv bn stocking up on baby milk lol.x
  • I hope far he uses it for evil and attacks me and my bf thinks its the funnist thing in the world till we are in bed and Lb (little benny) decieds its daddys turn to be kick which my bf responds "no Lb we don't kick daddy! You kick mommy" and laughs and then I have to bring up "well in order to kick you he has to kick me!" So he rolls over and let's Lb kick his back and says it feels like a back rub!
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