edited March 2011 in Pregnant
How many weeks should ib wen I stop workin


  • If you're in the U.S., wait as long as possible. They're stingy with maternity leave and you don't want to waste days still being pregnant. I worked up til my due date last time and the baby was 5 days late. :-W
  • Awe yea im n u.s so I guess imna wrk till its time to go n
  • Mslayne2, love ur tat!
  • I waited till I started having contractions.
  • If you can stand it anyway. It got a bit uncomfortable for me in the end and I probably wouldn't have wanted to go to work those last few days anyway. Take more rest if you need to cause Lord knows you won't be getting any for quite some time after the baby is born. But still...my preference would be to be dog tired and spend the extra five days with my baby.
  • edited March 2011
    It really depends on ur body. Wit my son I wrkd all da way thru n I stoppd wrkng 2 days b4 my due date n I wnt n a week lata. I wrkd 8 hours ova nite standn up. Wit dis prgncy I dnt wrk cuz im a full-time student.
  • @mama2bee thanks hun @pebblesmommy true I already got 2 kids but I didnt wrk so I dnt kno but my doc is going to induce me @ 38 weeks so I guess ill wrk up to maybe 37
  • This has nothing to do with the thread but i got that same tat ha ha L-)
  • @babymama thats wass up
  • Is that tat pic really u cause I don't think it is since I have the same pic on my computer saved it from a bing search for tattoos over 2 yrs ago
  • It depends on what you do at work. Can you stand the last few days? Im going to try to work til I POP, just for financial reasoning.
  • Is that tat pic really u cause I don't think it is since I have the same pic on my computer saved it from a bing search for tattoos over 2 yrs ago
  • @mommyof3boys yes its me n my sister has da same one.......WAT I LOOK LIKE HAVIN ANOTHER BITCH ON MY PROFILE PAGE? NOW DNT CUM ON MY POST WIT DAT ISH THANK U
  • @jcmommy thats wat imma do to
  • I'm in Canada, so our mat leave is pretty good here. I plan on staying at work until a week or two till my due date. Mostly just want to give myself some time to organize the baby room, buy the car seat ect. (My family is pretty superstitious, so everyone is really against buying much of anything until last minute, so as not to "jinx" anything. :) )
    But if I'm comfortable,and can do it, I might try to stay until June 1st, when my due date is June 9th.
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