sc preglys?

edited September 2011 in Just for Fun
Just curious but are there any sc preglys around? I'm in the Charleston /Summerville area.


  • I am! I'm from Charleston as well. I can't wait for the fall weather this weekend. SO excited for a heat break!
  • edited September 2011
    Me too! Love the fall/winter time. Especially since it means over priced fair time ! Told the Hubby I wanted to go this year just to walk of I'm not in labor yet, and enjoy the tasty foods since we skipped last year. @scnewmommy
  • @sweet1 I am due the week of the fair! If I have not had this baby by then, walking around the fair for hours may just do the trick! :) when are you due and what are you having? Im having a boy thats due nov 1st!
  • edited September 2011
    @scnewmommy My original due date was Nov 1st. :) They pushed me back to the 7th. And I'm having a little girl. My best friend's mom went into labor at the fair with my best friend, so I'm hoping that'll work for me.
  • Cool, your right there with me then! That's funny about her going into labor at the fair. I'll be delivering at Trident so at least I'll be in a convenient spot :)
  • Yep! Right behind you. :) I'm closer to Trident, but delivering at St. Francis in West Ashley, only because that's where my OB is near. Which the Hubby and I are touring tonight! Excited to go see the place.
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  • Mm, naps are lovely. After being up since 530, finally convinced my body that sleep was ok for an hour. Now I'm back to peeking here.

    @gatorbob congrats!
  • @gatorbob Congrats!! That's pretty cool that we are all from the same me someone to relate to!

    @sweet1 Enjoy the tour tonight! We got to peak in the nursery a bit when I had mine :)
    I have heard the new Roper in Mt. P is soooo nice. I almost wish I could go there!
  • I'm not from sc...but I live in greer
  • @scnewmommy The tour was nice! And it made me giggle to see all the Husbands catering sweetly to the preggo wives! Doing the tour really put more things in perspective, and made things more real for sure. They have some really nice labor rooms there.

    Ended the evening checking out a place called Triangle Char & Bar in West Ashley with some friends. Never been before, but I'd definitely recommend it to others. Huge burgers..that I sadly could only eat half of one.
  • @sweet1 Doesn't it stink that we can't finish a meal anymore?! It makes me so mad, because an hour later, I am starving again. For the past month of being pregnant, I have been obsessed with Chick fil a breakfast, but I can never finish the whole meal. :(
  • @scnewmommy it does! Especially when everything looks so good.
  • I live in north charleston having my baby at musc!
  • halloween with a boy. is this yall first child
  • Im in Columbia due with baby boy #4 on November 6th.....but will deliver before October hoping the Fair will help bring this guy :)
  • @mommaof4boys that's what I'm hoping too lol

    @havingnumber4 yep. This is our first.
  • I cant believe how close our due dates are! My inlaws are throwing me a shower today in Greenville. Word to the wise.. Do not take long car rides at our stage!! I was so miserable in the car, it was pathetic! Lol.
  • @imanewmommy06 I don't live far from greer. About 2 hrs away maybe little less . It in nc though
  • @newscmommy my mil is throwing me a shower in hampton on the 9th. Because she didn't want to come to the one tomorrow. Not a ride I'm looking forward to even though its just an hour and a half. I talked to my ob about it and she didn't seem worried about it any. I'm already uncomfortable with 30 minute drives! Lol oh well.
  • I'm uncomfortable on a ten min ride so I know I wouldn't last especially traffic on ashley phosphate and downtown. Bd keeps saying hes going to take me to the hospital two wks before. Yea right when the dr giving me three wks already
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