How soon after sex did u get the bfp! is it possible 2 get one a wk after sex...? plzzzz help!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ladies anyone know this answer?


  • Probably not. Unless it's possible for you to both ovulate and start your period within a week of each other. It would probably be at least 10 days before you could get a bfp after ovulating. That's what you need to go by: when you ovulated, not when you had sex. I got mine 3 days before my period was due, which was 11 days after ovulating.
  • I got mine 12 days after I conceived and I tested the day before that and got a negative. so Id say 10 days is too soon
  • 20 days exactly
  • This is a great question! Everything keeps tellin me my date of conception was july 20-27 but I took a clear blue test on aug.6 and it said positive is that possible?
  • Never had it happen to me but it is possible I had a friend that was 1 week pregnant and gor bfp and had it confirmed by doctor
  • What does bfp mean
  • @lala15: big fat positive
  • I jus left my doc. And he told me yes it was possible to get a positive result as soon as I did (previous comment)
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