boob started leaking....

I was sitting here pumping my right boob and my left boob just started leaking and running down my stomach. Its never done that before. I started taking fenugreek yesterday. Is it the fenugreek working already or something else?


  • Yeah when you breast feed or pump on one boob, the other automatically leaks. :)
  • How old is your lo? It's just a letdown, there are things that can catch the milk called milkies I believe. As for if the fenugeek is working, do you smell maple syrupy? If not, it's probably something else.
  • Mine always does, its like a stinging pain before then it leaks. I started fenugreek yesterday too so I can't tell you if it was that. I'm going to get another size nipple shield today so I'll let you know if it works better
  • @snreda mine stings too when I lactate. It feels so weird!
  • @bentleysmommy oh wow, I didn't know that. Guess I never noticed it until now.

    @marysue you know what so weird...I started smelling maple syrup and I had no idea why I smelled like that! So that smell is the fenugreek working? My baby will be 3 weeks tomorrow.

    @snreda yeah I get that stinging pain too...I guess I never noticed it leaking cause I always had a bra on and now I don't since my baby girl decided to throw up all her formula on me...haha.
  • Yeah fenugreek makes you smell like maple syrup! It's so weird but I guess it's a little better than b.o. lol.
  • @bentleysmommy it is better than b.o....haha. I feel like the smell is coming out of my hands too...strange.
  • I only smell it in my armpits lol
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