Want to help save pregly?

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
but i think those that want to be mods should post here what categories they would like to help with so there is no DENYING that someone didnt see the post

I would love to help with high risk, pre term, or premies

I know the following people have also expressed interest

@bentleysmommy --- teen moms and help @KrazymomofAdrian with breastfeeding
@KrazymomofAdrian-----sleep, birth stories, 3rd trimester, breastfeeding, and Labor
@marysue---organization of the categories, plus size moms. :-) I was also a resident assistant and can deal with issues.
@lImamommysoon-- gestational diabetes and group b strep
@EiralynnesMommy PCOS issues. plus-sized mommas, and possibly trying to conceive as well!
@cinnabon----health issues
@navybabyonway --- military moms

i also think we should reopen the form with CLEAR rules, that everyone has to agree too... but dont delete those of us already here


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