issues with dog after having the baby

edited September 2011 in Babies
I had my son a wk ago. The dog is fine with him. But when everyone gives baby attention he sucks up to them. But me on the other hand he gets a mean snarl look on his face and sometime snaps. What's wrong? I'm lost..


  • Oh gosh!! Jealousy??? I know its possible. I hope my mastiff isn't jelly like that. I'm sorry maybe he needs to get use to the baby being around you all the time.
  • Jealous lol my dog trips If I touch anything she gets pissed. Your dog knows you birthed the baby that's why it's like that to you.
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  • Omg my dog loves my 3 year old like wouldn't take a piece of food out of her hand if he had to unless she says here I caught her pulling his whiskars out and he was just laying there I hope he love this baby that much! But boy don't you touch that little girl in front of him one of our friends was tickling her and she was yelling and I thought he was gonna eat his leg right off till she quit yelling!
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