2nd pregnancy

So this pregnancy my morning sickness is lasting longer than my first one. Does this mean something is wrong or its just still morning sickness I'm going on 16 weeks.


  • I had the same thing it sucks but its normal every pregnancy is different maybe your having the opposite sex I had a boy first now having a girl.
  • I had a boy first to. I want a girl this time. I don't know what I'm having yet.
  • I'm 21 weeks with my second and still sick. My first was a boy and hoping for a girl this time too lol. I find out tomorrow.
  • Congratulations. I think I find out next month. I'm excited to find out what it is.
  • Oh man me to. I feel like I have had to wait forever.
  • Lol that's exactly what it feels like. The days won't go by fast enough.
  • I just found out Im pregnant with my second( my first is only 7 months)...with my first I was sick into my 6 and 7 th month and I have a perfect healthy beautiful baby. Everyones sickness is different as well as every pregnancy so I wouldnt fret. Hope you feel better soon tho
  • @stepteam22 I know I'm counting the days. These nine months feel like an eternity lol
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