looks like its closing down!!!!

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
This is so lame. Not all of us on here start drama n use this forum for what it is intended for. So with that being said its looking like its gonna shut down! I want to keep in contact with a lot of u ladies who have been very helpful n even make new pregly friends please feel free to add me on Fb since that's looking like the only.place to keep in contact n get help with preg related q's
My email is Shortysb420@yahoo.com


  • i dont kno u but i would like to keep n touch. i dont have fb tho. its really said it come to this. i been on pregly since jan when it was jus martin. thisis horrible an saddens me. maybe he can bring it back better organized an wit better professional mods. my email is gabchill21485@gmail.com ifu would like to k.i.t. also.
  • I too wld luv to hve sum pregly friends bn here since feb n due in 39 days its so sad but id luv for any of u ladies too add me in facebook christina wiley r my email stinalynnea@msn.com peo pic is if my daughter n a broncos hat
  • Yeah girl it seems that way. We are already facebook friends though. I don't think its fair for people like you and I because we don't participate in the petty Crap on here. What makes me more sad then the site being shut down is the fact that these trouble making drama starters are pregnant!!! What happened to being an adult and setting examples!! I for one would never in a million years condone that type of behavior from my kids so I refuse to act like an immature high-school brat!!! You females need to remember that you are carrying children and are going to be raising the next generation so you need to set a better example.
  • im going to be lost without pregly... what is going to help me get through my remaining bedrest
  • you guys can add me too crgarhartt@hotmail.com

  • @mama_luvs_her_girls I Def agree this is so ridiculous!!!! :(
    @siyahsmom maybe I'm doing it wrong but I can't find u
  • Pregly is gonna b shut down?
  • It seems like it. Everything is going to hell.
  • My fb email is bambi0083@yahoo.com I'm a great listener and give good advice. P
    Lets all keep our support group thing going!
  • Please add me on fb!! Pregly has been a.HUGE.help for me in my pregnancy (I'm a ftm) and I am also going to be totally lost without it or u ladies!! My email is lizhem07@gmail.com

    I hope Pregly doesn't close close... :-(
  • Ladies ladies pls add me to FB it's grissybarria@hotmail.com I really enjoyed pregly since I moved to Chile I am far away from my family :( and when I need help you ladies are here so I want to keep in touch
  • Jeeze, i havent been on much over the last week and it looks like i missed alot!!! Wth happen?? We r ttc, if i dont have pregly then i dont really have anyone who understands this whole ttc wait... :( aww... Why cant people just be civil to eachother.
  • @mommyof3girls its just a bunch of drama n apparently martin has asked mamakat if she thinks this forum should b kept open or if he should shut it down
  • I guess I've missed alot lol! Can't believe it would shut down :( take care ladies!
  • @chevygirl it just seems like its changed its kinda sad
  • I don't think he will shut it down. It's a popular app. Good or bad martin doesn't really care as long as its open. Think he has washed his hands of all these hormonal woman!!! Haha
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