blue and black cohoash to induce labor

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
I tried this combo with my first and I did make progress with it (went from fingertip and 20% to 3 and 75% overnight); however, she was transverse so I ended up with a c-section. I am scheduled for another c-section at 39+2, but my doc agreed to let me VBAC if I go into labor on my own before then. I'm only 33+4, so I'm not planning on using it any time soon. I was thinking about trying stuff around 38 weeks. I don't want to ask my OB about natural methods as she is REALLY encouraging the csection and even has me on modified bed rest and pelvic rest for contractions I had at 27 weeks, even though I had no cervical changed...(smells fishy right?!). It's always on my mind and I really want a VBAC, so that's why I'm thinking about it...I'm not trying to have this baby before she's full-term.

Does anyone know if its safe to use after a c-section and if there is any harm that can be done to the baby?


  • I heard black cohash isn't safe to take during pregnancy at all.
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  • @homebirthadvocate I heard about it from my OB instructor, who is a midwife. I ran into her at church and I was telling her that they were going to induce me b/c my bp was elevated (even though it was controlled) and she thought it was the wrong idea. I was 37+6 when she told me, so I started it that night. I took 10 drops (5 black and 5 blue) in water for 4 days.The day I found out I had progressed, I also found out they wanted to induce me that all went downhill from there :(
    @caffeinated_Katie and @bentleysmommy I will do somemore research then. Thankfully my daughter was ok :)
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  • My midwives won't use black or blue cohosh because they have seen it mess with the babies heartrate. But they told me to get caulophylym which is a homeopathic version of black and blue cohosh... I don't know yet if its working though.
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