@mommyof3girls I have a tilted uterus n they said I shouldn't try to have any more kids after my first because it was dangerous but here I am on my third baby n no problems except alot of pelvic pain. Good luck!!!! )
Well, my mom had 6 kids w a tilted uterus and i have had 3. We r ttc #4. I read somewhere it can cause fertility problems.... obviously not for everyone.
I was just told at my u/s on friday that I have a tilted uterus and then she said she couldnt find the baby... I am doing blood work and starting to bleed now prob definatly going through a miscarage... The doc told me I prob have an empty sac which means baby stopped growing and I should be 9 weeks... I hope that this is not a reoccuring thing for us since I want to carry to full term and have a healthy baby
@lovethemoon I also have a tilted uterus an at 9 week u/s they also could not c baby but at 12 they could tech said something about because uterus is tilted its harder to c I'm also bigger which may play a part Spotting brown n pink is normal just not red good luck
I've also had one mc. All 3 of my kids came out "sunny side up". Do u think thats because of the tilted uterus? Well, good luck to everyone. Wish u all the very best.
I also have a tilted uterus but haven't had any problems because of it... I did have a hard time conceiving but that was because of my husbands low sperm count... after 6 years I finally got pregnant God is good!
My younger sister has it, but my youngest sister and I don't. She was just told she'd have to do some exercises or something to help straighten it out during pregnancy.