everyone is saying....

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Since this is my first child I will automatically give birth 2 weeks late... How do they know? I had a Dr appt yesterday and the np said the same thing again... I don't wanna go late lol..... How many first time mommies out there gave birth early or on time without being medically induced?


  • That's not always true my son was right on time
  • I'm a FTM and I'm 2 days away from my due date. Not a single contraction or BH! I have a feeling my body is going to fail me big time and not allow me to go into labor naturally. I guess, at least, if I don't go into labor naturally, she'll get to be an October baby!
  • Not true at all. Most of my friends who have givin birth did it like a week early.. It all just depends on when your body and baby are ready. :)
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  • @eskarne_339 try walking hon I know it can be hard when they are low but that should help a little bit....and of course sex will help also.....Bounce on a yoga ball....those are all natural ways of jump starting labor.....good luck!
  • I had my 1st at 38 weeks ....Good Luck! :)
  • The toddler came on his due date
  • my 1st was 3 days after dd. Good luck.
  • @pregoagainYAY

    I've been practicing walking, warm relaxing showers, sex, nipple stimulation even constant cleaning but nothing seems to be helping. The only thing I've been able to get started from nice long walks is a stinkin' bowl movement! Lol!

    I've been taking it easy this week, hoping that maybe some relaxation will help. I've been experiencing very sharp pains in my right ovary and down my leg some but I'm pretty sure that's not contraction related.
  • @pregoagainYAY

    Oh, and also... my boyfriend has been giving me back massages every night and foot massages. I've read online that there's alot of pressure points on the feet. Doctors sometimes suggest women to not have their feet massaged unless they're full term because it can cause you to go into labor. Not sure how true that is but he's been trying to help!
  • I had my baby boy he was my 1st at 38 weeks barely lol he almost came at 36 lol
  • That isn't true, I know I mention my mom a lot lol I'm a ftm, but she never went that late with me (her first) or the rest of us, I was two days early so you never know you can go early, or late, or right on your due date.
  • I had my first 3 weeks early.....
  • Ppl told me the same and I had my baby 2 wks early
  • My waters broke with my first at 38 weeks, its never an exact science! Don't worry, baby will come when they are good and ready!
  • i was due september 1st. and my water broke on august 28th but had to be induced on the 29th.. so i had him on the 30th :)
  • I will totally try a foot massage to induce labor lol now if my hubby didnt whine that his hands get crampy it would be all good!
  • My first came 2 weeks early
  • I had my girl 2wks early
  • i really think it depends on the person. with my first i was one week over due and went into labor on my own... and with my second i gave birth just days before my due date. everyone is different. i know lots of people who don't go over with their first.
  • edited September 2011
    I had my son 5 days early..I hope to have my daughter soon..(39+1)

    also think it depends on how active you are..and well the person..
    with my son I worked practically everyday and walked more than 2 miles daily..
    and this pregnancy..not so much..AT ALL..
  • I'm a ftm and went they day before my due date.
  • its not true.. i went over 10days with my first two.. and im not getting my hopes up that this one will make an early appearence.. lol.. i know that both my mil and mom went over with there pregnancies which made the likelyhood of me going over with mine.. so .. its all up to your body.. no two pregnancys are the same.. try not to worry about it.. but dont get your hopes too high for going early or on time.. these babies are on there own timeline..
  • Most ftm go 9 days over due.
  • I am a FTM I was due on 9-13 but I am getting induced on Monday. I think I tried almost everything from evening primrose oil, pineapples, triple chocolate cake, sex, walking around nothing worked for me.
  • everyone is probably just preparing you for the worst. My first was 5 days early. My water broke the day after the doc swept membranes. You can ask them to do that at 38 weeks or after!
  • Im a ftm and i had my baby girl at 38+5
  • The 3 ladies at my work all went earlie with their first one even went 3 weeks early and her baby was beautiful and healthy.
  • My daughter was a due date baby! I am 37+3 now with #2.
  • My water broke 4 days before my due date, and and for my mom, I was a week late.
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