mucus plug/bloody show with period like cramps...

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
Ok ladies I have 10 days left til my dd and I had a ob visit yesterday at 3pm which he said my cervix is still closed and hard no dilating what so ever.. well around 6pm I lost my mucus plug or had my bloody show. Sry for tmi but it was like snot with a brownish blood mixed in and little brownish blood clots. My discharge is still tented with the blood color.... and I have been having pressure in my pelvis and period like cramps off and on all night.. my stomach has been getting really hard as well.. the baby is still moving like normal, but the kicks feel like a sharp pain now. I haven't been able to time the cramps but does this sound normal to any of u?


  • Sounds like it could definitely be labor!!! :) if your feeling the cramping every 5 minutes call your midwife! Tightening of the stomach def means your contracting. I be 37 weeks Sunday still no braxton hick contractions tho
  • Yup. Sounds like when I had my first. God luck mommy!
  • Thx, ladies for the info it definitely helps soothe my mind at least @ JnetteP congrats for for weeks and be glad for the no bh yet I started having mine around 32 weeks and this is my first pregnancy.
  • Congrats for being 34weeks my phone is so stubborn sometimes
  • See what I mean 37.... finally
  • @embracekittie wow really at 32 weeks? I think I might be one of the few that doesn't get them at all, this is my first baby as well. But tons of luck to you!
  • I had this yesturday. I called l&d and thry said if contractions are consistant to go in. Im not dialated either just thinning. My due date is next wednesday. The cramps stopped in the afternoon.. Feels like mt day will never come
  • Lmao hahha yea 37 weeks you mean :) its cool I hate my fone for that as well too. I'm so anxious already tho!
  • Does the snot discharge have to have blood in it to be ur mucous plug?
  • @lalalorree ur day will come eventually my cramps are still off and on if I walk around they get worse and if I pump my milk the pressure in my pelvis gets worse, so I am hoping this is labor and that the baby comes out soon. I am feeling impatient..
    @JnetteP yea lol.. i have had my milk since I was 20 weeks seems like I got everything early. It has been an easy pregnancy though so I am grateful. Thx for the luck.
    @ pretty_princess01 from my research and reading no the mucus plug doesn't always have to have blood mixed in,, it can be a yellowish greenish color as well.. it will be different from ur regular dishcarge.. most women don't even realize when they lose there plug cus it can come out in piece with ur regular discharge.
  • @embracekittie I notice when I was cramping they would act up when moving around but laying down they were fine. Labour dust to you!!
  • Thx for the labor dust the contractions are getting to be more consisitent. Yay:D they are 10 minutes apart
  • Sunds like labor will be soon I lost my mucusplug and had my baby two days later
  • I think tonight may be the night. Still getting stronger... I have to say I am anxious and nervous at the same time.
  • Are your contractions painful. Like shooting pains on lower abdomen?
  • Yeah and in my lower back as well
  • Yeah I feel them too. But mine aren't close together;( my baby never wants to come out. LOL..I felt a lot on Monday consistently then nothing. Ughh.
  • They are between 7 and 10 minutes. I can feel them in my oelvis as well and my stomach feels like it squeezing when I have them.
  • They are 30 to 45 seconds long
  • How many weeks are you?
  • They started at 7pm my time and its now 10pm and they r still coming on stronger and getting closer so let's hope the baby comes tonight. I am about to head to LnD
  • I have 10 days til my due date
  • Does your crotch hurt too?? Lol Tmi but I feel a lot of pressure down there especially when j walk. and my back is killing me now. Can labor be in your back and not in front?
  • Good luck!! Fast and pain free delivery for you;)
  • @embracekittie wow so you've already had milk come out too? Geesh! Not me :/ lol
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