My baby was choking

edited September 2011 in Health
Okay so we had just gotten home from grocery shopping. We had left Lillith(my daughter) with his mom at our house because we have a small truck that can only hold 2 people and a jeep for the family but the family vehicle is broke down right now. So she was babysitting Lillith at the house and his mil decided to stay the night because she's got bad night blindness. Anyways, we were sitting here watching some show and I was feeding Lillith her bottle. She had pushed it away so I was trying to burp her. Well she suddenly started like trying to gasp for air. I was like, "She's choking!" and I set her up so that she was upright and was patting her back trying to get her to catch air. She wouldn't catch it and I started to panic because I honestly didn't know what to do. DH took her away from me and put her on her stomach in his arms and started patting her back. I was reaching for the phone to call 911 when she finally started breathing again. I started crying because I was freaking out and panicking because if I had been here by myself with her I don't know what I would have done. I don't know what to do. I would have called 911 right away had I been by myself but would that had been enough? Would they have gotten here in time? I'm so freaked out right now. I don't want to go to sleep but I know I need to. But what if she starts choking again while I'm asleep and I don't know? I'm so worried and freaked out. I feel like a terrible mother.


  • With my first born she did that as well, next time try blowing in her face to see if she will catch her breath...I freaked out as well and screamed for my mother to come help, baby had turned red like she almost forgot to breathe. Patting her on her back and blowing in her face should work....I would learn infant CPR of I was you...might put your mind at ease as well.
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  • I def will be. We also plan on investing in one of those baby monitors that detect movement and sound. I hope that will put my mind at ease a little better at night because his sister died at 2 months from SIDS and I had already planned on getting it because of that. But now I'm really freaked out on top of that. I do planon learning infant CPR. I don't know were I would be trained for that though...Maybe at the hospital they would have a class? Or the WIC office maybe?
  • Google online...I think red cross teaches classes. I know with the hospital I am delivering at they send someone in to teach mother CPR before we're released. Also do a lot of research on those monitors before you spend your money....I read that one it really hasn't stopped or reduced SIDS and that it beeps constantly waking baby up....just check into thoroughly before you purchase.
  • If u still have the blue sucky thing from the hospital it helps too. I'm sorry that happened... its so scary.
  • Well they are really expensive and we can't really afford them right now. We have to take about a month or so to save up for one so I have lots of time to do research. I have heard both good and bad about them. When we were still in the hospital they had taken her back to draw blood and she had started choking but then it was because of the mucus plug. She apparently was born to fast for the mucus plug to be pushed out of her throat and she had lost a piece and choked on it. They kept her for like 3 hrs and I was stressed out. I didn't sleep for 2 days after that and they ended up knocking me out with ambien because I couldn't fall asleep. I was way to worried and every time I tried to nap any noise she'd make I'd be back awake.

    She has a pedi visit for a check up Monday so I will ask her to show me CPR. I mean surely that is part of her job to teach me this if I request.
  • Angelcare is the monitor were getting. It has good reviews, even tho it says it gives some false alarms, its better false ones than none!
  • That's the one I've been looking at. It has the little pad you put under the mattress. I would rather a false alarm than no alarm. I know that maybe it's a bit much but I would rather have at least a little bit of an ease of mind.@firsttymemom
  • Getting certified in CPR will put your mind at ease. Also, see if anyone who watches her while you're out and about knows what to do as well. From here on out, you'll need that peace of mind. Also, with 911, don't hesitate, just call. While the operator is on the phone with you, they will walk you through what to do, if they need cpr, or if it seems like they just forgot how to breathe. I hope you don't have to do that. But they are trained to help out in your situation. I hope that helps you rest easy a little bit! Feel better mommy! >:D<
  • I have the angel care monitor! And love it! But I messed it up playing with the buttons need to call them to tell me how to reset it
  • That happens to my baby when I'm feeding her. I'm so scared as well :(
  • If your ever in that situation agai: place baby belly side down on your dominant arm. Cradle her head it your hand with her chin in your palm and a leg on each side of your arm do a couple semi hard but not painful blows to in between the shoulder blades wait a couple seconds if she hasn't started repeat. (what I learned in CPR class) when that wouldn't work with my daughter I would stick my finger down her throat in that position to help dislodge anything and it had always worked. Your not a bad mom at all. Don't worry hun, if you were a bad mom you would have just sat an ignored it.
  • Is she only on formula or breast milk right now? If so then she couldn't have been choking on something that needed to be dislodge. However what she did was probably swallowed down the "wrong tube" like we all do sometimes. Sometimes it takes longer to finally catch a breath again. This sucks that it happened to you. I'd probably be just as panic about it if I didn't see babies at my work do it on a weekly basis.
  • My baby has done this a couple of times! Scared the crap out of me and my hubby. I called our pediatrician and she was diagnosed with acid reflux. She now takes Zantac and it hasn't happened since.

    Good luck momma! I know how terrifying that feels.
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