
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ultrasound didn't go so well.... I either had a miscarriage or I'm not as far as I think... Feb 11 was my first appointment which was positive with blood n urine my hcg levels where 870 I would have had a period Feb 15 ..but I haven't had my period since Xmas I'm so confused


  • U r prolly just not as far along as u think. Think positive hun!
  • My dr told me you can't see anything unless your hgb is over 5000 hope this helps
  • I don't get it though haven't had my period since Xmas. They had me do more blood work n now I have to wait for my results this is killing me. The doctor didn't seem like there was any hope
  • Stay positive! I had my 1st ultrasound appt yesterday and I thought I was 9 weeks 5 days but only measured 8 weeks 1 day. You might not be as far along as you think.
  • @j_martel14 i had a similiar situation w my youngest. My last cycle was mar 23, 2008. I bled a little@ the end of may took a test on fathers day cameback postive. Started spotting regular over the next wk they got me in for a ultrasound the 3rd of july and i found out that i was only 8 wks. They said that i had a silent cycle, ovulated but no period
  • They seen the sac but nothing in it. I'm just so scared today has been nothing but bad news, my mom lost her job today n now this I just wish I could close my eyes n this all be a dream
  • @j_martel14 take a deep breath let it out slowly. Remember god has plans for us all. The best thing right now is for you relax, continue taking care of your body and baby let everything else go.
    4emember god doesn't give us more than we can handle i know @ times it may not seem like it but everything has a purpose we just don't always see the bigger picture.
    try and get a good nite sleep and hopefully things will look betger in the morning
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