how long after loose stools/diarrhea

Did you start experiencing more labor symptoms or go into labor?


  • I think it was the day before I went into labor...I had soft stools all day (way more than normal). Then the next day my water broke and I had another soft stool after that, then the contractions came!
  • I never had any lol i think it truly just depends on the person
  • Mine came on thursday, nausea last night and this morning, more loose stool. contractions now... idk about when imma go into labor tho :/
  • I've been having it for a couple weeks & having early labor ever since. I can't get going into active. I think it's a sign of ur labor hormones increasing though.
  • @wilsomom I'm in the same boat as you, I been having then for about a week now and on wednesday they discovered I'm thinned and 2cm dialated. And thursday I moved up to 2.5 cm. but now I dont think I am further than a 3. ); early labor is gon so slow!! All my doctors are saying i'll go in labor in a couple days ! But its gon so slow );
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